"Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."
The above statement is becoming rather tiresome but we are getting very used to seeing such ridiculous censorship from Councillor Scully.
I predicted that Scully would re-enable moderation four days ago in the following post which I left on his blog under the thread 'K.O. for the P.O.':
Scullduggery Watch said...
"Oh and by the way it is nice to be back posting on your blog again, Paul. Though I am just wondering how long it will be before one of my pearls of wisdom upsets your sensitive disposition and you delete it! I take it that we can look forward to seeing moderation being enabled on your blog (for the third time) very soon."
-29 May 2008 18:24:00 GMT
I hate to say I told you so but alas I have been proven correct in my prediction. Scully enabled moderation throughout the evening of Sunday the 1st June and during the morning of Monday the 2nd of June 2008.
The strange thing is that there appeared to be no catalyst for Scully to have MODERATED HIS BLOG FOR THE THIRD TIME IN THE PAST FEW MONTHS. He will of course claim that the thread at the time was a sensitive topic and that political capital should not have been made out of the issue, and he would of course be correct in this regard.
However, there is nothing wrong with a logical and rational debate. The posts on the recent tragedies in Carshalton appeared to be on topic and many condolences had been forthcoming from all sides of the political spectrum. If the debating of the matter was so very unacceptable then why did Scully bother to have posted the thread in the first place???
Councillor Scully was doing a very good impression of a man attempting to make political capital out of a very tragic incident. Why else would anyone have chosen to post a subject but then moderate the feedback as soon as he received criticism for how he had chosen to comment on the issue?
One thing is for certain: Scully likes to claim that he has "spent two years offering the only truly open political exchange in the Borough" however this is complete nonsense as he had already enabled moderation on two separate occasions by the time he made his grandiose claim. This third attempt to stifle debate just goes to prove that there is no such thing as democracy where the hierarchy of the Sutton Tories are concerned.
Democracy in the Sutton Conservative party R.I.P.
Monday, 2 June 2008
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does anyone reckon that power corrupts? do politicians begin with good intentions but then get corrupted by their want of power i wonder. whatever the case i wish scully would start telling the truth for a change. why say you want to encourage a blog where everyone can speak their mind if you dont mean it! he really isnt making any sense. i am just glad i got out of the sutton conservatives when i did.
This is a very interesting conundrum. Us councillors have received a missive tonight from Paul Martin, the chief executive, explaining some of the facts of the tragedy in Carshalton. I won't go into them here as the case is still under investigation by the police.
I think on the whole Cllr Scully rather jumped the gun on this, and the more one reads his comments, the more blatant the promotion of Philippa Stroud seemed to be.
Unfortunately politics sometimes stinks, and I cannot accept ANY politician that tries to jump on bandwagons, or tries to be all things to all men (the name Cameron somehow springs to mind).
If Cllr Scully want's to exhibit true democracy then moderation should never again be an issue on his blog. It sometimes seems to be a case of say what you want but if we don't agree you will not be heard.
"It sometimes seems to be a case of say what you want but if we don't agree you will not be heard."
Very true.
Scully's policy on moderation and pushing those out of the Sutton Tory nest who he deems to be a threat to his authority proves how both he and his lieutenants prefer to deal with alternative views.
I hope that by now everyone is in a position to appreciate exactly how frustrated a number of us still within the camp are feeling at present.
Firstly cllr Scully would prefer to see dissenters shot than him answer an embarrassing question! He turned on me just for asking a question on the previous thread. But the version of events i got was from another Tory member. There wasnt much on the web about the saga and the senior cllrs in the sutton torys werent very forthcoming about an explanation so what else was i supposed to think. Secondly i have to agree the way cllr scully has handled the carshalton tragedy did begin to smell of blatant self promotion.
I must say I do wonder why Cllr Sclly finds it necessary to "enable moderation" from time to time.
Surely the whole point of a blog is to let everybody have their say regardless of whether you agree with them or not? If he can't take criticism then maybe he find another job other than being a politician.
"David P. It's too early to postulate on this case..."
"This is where the work of people like Philippa Stroud comes in..."
-Posted by Paul Scully
01 June 2008 08:34:00 GMT
"i think the local conservatives party has made leaps and bounds in becoming more electable and showing they are fit for power again. i applaud the efforts too!"
-Posted by Maria
02 June 2008 22:32:00 GMT
The above posts were made on Scully's blog during the last few days. (Did anyone else spot Scully's contradiction?)
Both Scully and Maria's responses show that the Carshalton murders are being used for blatant electioneering purposes by the hierarchy of the Sutton Conservatives.
I see nothing of any substance in Maria's posting. The comments were left under the thread "Tragic Stabbing in Carshalton". Now imagine the family of the murdered offspring reading such vitriol. I would think that they would find such overt joy at the political capital being made out of the needless deaths of their young relatives to be quite upsetting.
I have left a comment on Cllr Scully's blog regarding this. I find "Maria"'s posting actually offensive. It signals deep joy at the prospect of a Tory council in Sutton and is nothing whatsoever to do with last Friday's tragic events.
For what it's worth, I believe we need practical policies to help people like this poor mother who was obviously under intense pressure and mentally unbalanced. Where was the help when she needed it? Money is spewed away like water on unnecessary things in this country, and I'm afraid Philippa Strouds hand-wringing bleeding-heart liberal approach to these problems has never worked in the past and will never work in the future.
It's just a front for more social workers, inquiries, form-filling and the like. Utterly useless.
Still no condemnation from Scully for Maria's little outburst.
Ho hum.
hello hello i have been away again. i suppose you think im judith charmers in disguise LOL. on a serious note though i read what got said by the tories on scullys blog about them murdered kids and i thought using the tragic events to get publicity was disgusting. i dont know who that maria woman is but as a mother myself i think she was completely out of order. doesnt she have some respect for the dead? cllr scully should be ashamed of himself for not saying something even if it was to request that the article didnt get used to say how great the different political partys were. shame on you cllr scully.
Did anyone else here see the argument break out on Scullys blog? It looked like Scully and Sean Ludlow had a right old ding dong!
A diversionary tactic I shouldn't wonder.
Councillor Scully is trying to get us all to believe that he has no idea who Sean Ludlow is, in the misguided belief that nobody else has cottoned on to his little ruse.
Scully knows full well who Sean Ludlow is and he also knows the reason why I refer to Ludlow as "BR".
On another topic. Tonight, disgustingly, the Tories voted en-masse (apart from Ann Widdicombe) AGAINST holding suspect terrorists for 42 days. I'm sick and fed up of "human rights" and "civil liberties". What about my right not to be blown to smithereens? It's not important to the Tories, who prefer to rant on and have no policy on terrorism.
By the way the UKIP MP also voted to detain suspects for 42 days, so that tells you something.
42 days is not the issue. Our legal system will not cope with the proposals that were voted on and our judical sentancing system will not be able to handle the paperwork that 42 days detention will throw up.
If the Governemnt, police and security forces played the system correctly, they could detain anyone indefinitley by using exiting legislation, they simply need to work smarter.
A better use of our covert forces would be to allow them to remove hostiles permanently and this should be fully enforced. The message should be, "f*** with the UK, visit your maker sooner". I'll wager even the UKIP MP (who is?) would not go along with this view.
How's your holiday Scullduggerywatch, enjoying the rest?
The problem is that Bob SPink voted AGAINST the UKIP line! UKIP policy is against 42 detention without trial. For your ease of reference, you can find details of UKIP's policy here, for instance:
UKIP would also abolish control orders as apprently UKIP think that they regard "detention without trial as an improper state of affairs." The link to that policy document can be found here:
iain Dale is reporting details of how upset most UKIP members are and he links to a blog where that upset is expressed here:
So, Bob spink broke with UKIP policy to vote for 42 days. maybe UKIP aren't right wing enough for you these days David? Are you going to jump ship again?
love and kisses
And given David Davis has forced a by-election on this issue, I assume that he will be fully supported by UKIP?
Mr Park - how ridiculous. I'm glad Bob Spink voted for 42 days - how do you fancy being blown apart by a suicidal maniac? Why are you joining the gutless and worried about upsetting certain sectors of our community? Are we not at risk? David Davis's "resignation" today is nothing more than a side-show and it now emerges that he and Cameron had a furious row about it.
It shows one thing - the tories are gutless where terrorism is concerned. Thank christ I'm not part of them anymore.
So you are calling the UKIP leadership gutless as well then? It is your party's policy too you know!I agree with the UKIP's libertarian approach on this matter.
I am hardly from the left wing of the party,especially on law and order issues! But I seriously do not think it gutless to oppose 42 days. This measure is not needed and it erodes our rights even further. Just because the poliec ask for more powers doesn't mean they should have them. All professions would like laws passed that made their jobs easier but it doesn't mean that Parliament should give them.
So, as you are glad not be be a Tory at least in part due to this issue, will you be leaving the gutless UKIP now becaue of their stance? :-)
As always, looking forward to your considered comments!
Hope you are keeping well BTW.
David - yes very well thank you. I suggest you go on to Bob Spink's website and send him an e-mail
spinkr@parliament.uk and ask him why he voted for it. He openly disagrees, as I do, with certain high echelons in UKIP. I disagree with rather more than a few in the Tory party.
I cannot understand their or your stance on this. Who cares about "civil liberties" or "human rights"? I thought that was the job of the wishy-washy Lib-Dems, not the once strong on crime Tories.
How times have changed. I got out just in time. At least it was on a point of principal.
David - yes very well thank you. I suggest you go on to Bob Spink's website and send him an e-mail
spinkr@parliament.uk and ask him why he voted for it. He openly disagrees, as I do, with certain high echelons in UKIP. I disagree with rather more than a few in the Tory party.
I cannot understand their or your stance on this. Who cares about "civil liberties" or "human rights"? I thought that was the job of the wishy-washy Lib-Dems, not the once strong on crime Tories.
How times have changed. I got out just in time. At least it was on a point of principal.
Can't understand how that went twice!
Am not goign to be near a computer for a while now so no time for a long post. I'll come back on how 'not caring for civil liberties or human rights' is a big deal tomorrow, especially in this regard.
2 quick points though.
1. I thought UKIP cared strongly about freedoms, which is why it wants to withdraw from the EU. Obviously you believe in freedoms for a nation but not for an indiviual?
2. More of a question than a point, but can I assume that you are also happy for an increase in cases where there can be trial without a jury?
Good night,
David - of course UKIP cares about freedoms, but personally not to the point where terrorists are allowed to get away with literal murder. If the police, for instance, need more time, this passing of the bill makes it easier. I'm sure you would be in more agreement with me had you unfortunately been caught up in the 7/7 bombings. Fortunately I knew no-one that was involved, and I'm not saying that 42 days detention then would have stopped it, it's just that the terrorist threat is so complex that I cannot see the harm in extending the time someone can be held if they are under suspiscion. Also I believe there is a compensation plan linked to it, so I can't really see anybody being detained beyond the normal 28 days for no solid reason.
Point 2 - not really, but crime is so high and prevalent that I believe where proof can be displayed 100% (say with the use of DNA), then maybe its time to look at just having a judge decide the prisoners fate. I'm not sure on this one as it is highly controversial. I take your point (and David Davis') about our personal freedoms and liberties, but at the end of the day national security must come first. It's nothing to do with UKIP or leaving Europe, I think you are just using that as an aside.
Oh good grief, I cannot believe I am about to agree with the Parkmeister on an issue.
But it seems that I do.
The 28 day detention powers have not so far been used by this Government's judiciary in the so called war on terror. Surely 28 days detention should suffice if evidence exists to detain a suspect for any given length of time.
If you have a look at the list of other countries who allow detention without trial then it is notable that even the USA does not (officially) allow more than two days in the clink and the Aussies only allow 12 days inside before either releasing the prisoner or commencing formal legal proceedings against them.
China allows about 37 days without charges being brought but this should count for very little. We all know that they are still a ruthless bunch of progressive Communists with a jackboot pressed down firmly on the democratic jugular.
The proposed 42 day detention plan is just another New Labour con to deprive we the people of the United Kingdom of yet more of our civil liberties.
It is a dirty trick that is right up there with micro-chips in the bin, Council bureaucrats being given carte-blanche to nose through our emails/phone records/utility statements, the criminalisation of innocent people's DNA on Government databases and cameras replacing real policemen on our streets.
It is all scary stuff, let us at least be honest about that.
Thank you to the Nazarene who asked how my holiday was going! Yes, it is going very well! I ordered my Bonehead-in-Chief to harass the rest of my colleagues to cough up thirty quid each so that I could spend a week or two in Rome! Councillor Paul Scullduggery was my inspiration for this little jolly jaunt and I followed his lead on how to procure funds in the most cost effective way possible (ie. my subordinates pay, I don't).
Of course I did not really do any of the above but it was rather an enormous liberty of the wee man to have his deputy pressure everyone else to cough up, especially when you consider the fact that he is not short of a few bob himself!
Forza Scully Il Duce!
p.s. Congratulations to Councillor John Kennedy who I understand has once again been elected Chairman of the Carshalton & Wallington Conservatives.
Thank goodness that the bloody useless whinger Terry Faulds has now been knocked off his perch and duly lost his Chairman's spot!
Everyone will of course remember Terry 'Train Spotter' Faulds who ran outside and honked "That is outrageous!" when a UKIP bloke stuck a leaflet through his door. El Tel also shed crocodile tears in a mawkish fashion at the meeting where Scully knifed Eleanor Pinfold in the back.
Here is looking forward to Councillor John Kennedy taking over the Sutton Conservative council group ASAP.
And your take on 42 days ScullduggeryWatch?
A p***take.
Even the Stasi would have been proud.
hi chaps! i see that statto david park has been back posting since he last ran away. i was thinking the next time they have a function down at benhill they should raffle off a hot date with parky! one of us lucky girls might not get the snog of our dreams but by the time dinner was over we would have all sorts of useless information and statistics we never thought we wanted to know LOL
Parks is probably holed up in some cosy Tory committee room somewhere. Sat on his bum drinking tea and shoveling digestives into his gob
Nice to see yet another lively debate brewing here. To be honest it is nice to see that David Davis has the courage of his convictions and has resigned to fight a by election. David Cameron would never have the balls to do something of that magnitude which is no doubt the reason them two fell out. Eton toff Cameron clearly dont like Davis taking the limelight away from him.
pssst by the way cllr tim crowley is also known as aadvark LOL
I never thought i'd be mistaken for that gobshite. Alas nay, you'll have to keep on guessing chums!
Yours faithfully,
The Vark
You will have to excuse Queeny, Vark. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish one gobshite from another.
LOL LOL LOL give it up cllr crowley you arent fooling anyone. at least you admit you are a gobshite that is something i suppose.
What evidence do you have suggesting that Cllr Crowley is Aardvark?There have been a lot of rumours on the blogosphere as to who this individual(S) might or might not be.
Is it just an educated guess?
Oh look, Aardfart has morphed into Hand of History once again. If you recall he used such a moniker to post wisened nuggets of information at 3am about killing fairies with sherbet, parties at the bottom of the garden and linking this blog with a homosexual porn site.
Just remember to call Paul Scully a liar the next time he tries to claim that the Sutton Conservative hierarchy fights fair.
Has Queen of Cheam hit a nerve with her accusation per chance, Aard?
p.s. Aardvark: I should also ask if you have apologised to Councillor John Kennedy for your slanderous allegations about his role in Serbia during the 1990s.
This could be considered as being rather deplorable conduct from you, especially when you were in full possession of the true facts all along, so one would assume that you will of course have the good grace to apologise profusely and print a full retraction of your allegations right here on this blog.
Feel free to post it right here on this thread, Aard.
Why would i do that Darren?
Anyone going on the annual Bloggers Summer outing this year - we've got three signed up already?
You might need to cough up petrol money for Paul Scullduggery. Scully Il Duce doesn't pay for his travel fees remember! I think about 30 quid should do the trick. Instruct Councillor Bonehead to send an demanding email to the rest of the group.
I must ask Aardfart why he won't publicly apologise for his slandering of Councillor Kennedy and why he is using a chav's name to respond to the question that was given to him (Most chavs have names like Darren don't they?)
LOL i think i have just worked out who scullduggery watch is!
Fifty pounds says it is Darren Marsh!
Looks like the prat's out of the bag then.
Look Darren
We all know that this blog is you.
A lot of us do not understand why you have become so disaffected.
You worked hard in the last election campaign and many speak highly of you.
Time to put the past behind us Darren and move forward.
We are a broad church that welcomes all talents.
Think about it.
This is great! First I get accused of being Councillor Pickles, then I get accused of being Councillor Hall and now I stand accused of being Darren Marsh! I wonder if I can keep this up until the 2010 General Election?
One has just dropped out of the Bloggers Summer outing, just two to go
I am sorry to have to say the following but I cannot help myself.
Why is Aardfart heaping praise on Darren Marsh for his role in the 2006 Locals when he in fact did sweet nothing to help other wards with canvassing?
We do not need his sort back in the association any more than we need our incumbent leader in charge of the Conservative group.
keep digging, pal
OMG it is really him cos my money was on someone else but then life is full of suprises
Starting this blog was a brilliant idea if only for the sheer amusement it offers! Oh very well it is true I am indeed Darren Marsh.
What? I thought it was me!
Ever get the feeling youve been had.
Well, I don't know about anybody else here, but I am rather hacked off with all this nonsense. Will ScullDuggery Watch or even aardvark have the guts to reveal who they really are?
As far as Darren Marsh goes, I recall hearing last year (it may have been from his former running mate Cllr Carter but then again it may have not been), that he had de-camped to Devon with a woman.
If there is not a serious attempt here to reveal who posters are then I cannot see the point of continuing to put comments on this board.
Nobody has been had.
Mr Marsh is Scullduggery watch ably assisted by a certain ex Tory but still sitting Cllr.
The truth hurts sometimes.
Cllr Pickles it is no good trying to create a smokescreen.
I said i knew what was happening and believe me when i say i do.
Oh this blog really is priceless! Feel free to talk amongst yourselves I am just going to sit here and watch. Please be sure to post every few minutes though so I do not sit here in suspense for too long!
Well Mr Marsh, I have this evening revealed your true identity, and I believe an ex-Tory councillor is behind your blog. Would you like to deny that?
Does anyone have an email address for Darren Marsh? It might be fun to let him know that he is The Watchman. Let's keep the laughs going for as long as possible!
No I don't deny it at all, Aard. You have me bang to rights. It's a fair kop, Guv.
This really has been one of the most interesting nights so far. Firstly, I thought aardvark's allegations were brought on by hallucinogenic impurities in the bottle of red I had been supping all evening- but he really did accuse me of being involved with ScullDuggery Watch.
I am nothing if not flattered that aardvark believes I have the expertise to run my own blog and tickled pink that that he reckons I led the Tories on a merry dance for all these months!
Thank you aardvark for reminding me that human kindness does still exist, even deep within the bowels of the Sutton Conservatives!
Dear Mr Duggery/Darren,
I agree with the Vark's analysis, for the following reasons:
1.Only half a dozen people involved in Sutton politics have ever called me Parky. Only one of those would ever consider using the term 'parkmeister' (even though is has a certain ring to it! Very American Pie.)
2.Your writing style - hyperbole, use of nicknames, terms of abuse, play on words and phrases military etc - is actually quite unique.
3.When you google 'Darren marsh', you come across lots of posts on the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph websites under the name of Darren Marsh, using a remarkably similar style and using remarkably similar phrases.
4.Your knowledge of Sutton Conservatives starts from the run up to the 2006 local elections and detailed knowledge of events within the Association ends after about 2007. (Your source (s) obviously provide you with details for your posts on this blog but you lack a sense of wider perspective of the internal politics).
5.Your knowledge of campaigning and targeting of seats is extremely limited!
6.You hold my geeky stattiness against me! (which hurts - *sob*)
7.You have a grudge over my involvement in the locals campaign in 2006, especially re Sutton North.
8. On matters Sutton North, you had a close contact with Eleanor throughout the 2006 local election campaign, and your name appears in the Adjudication Panel report which resulted from her Standards’ Board case. How this turned you into Eleanor's knight in shining armour though I am not quite sure.
Darren, well done for saying 'it's a fair cop.' It makes your blog a little less hypercitical now you are being honest about your identity. At least people now know how much weight to give your claims/reports. Perhaps you might also like to admit how many of the other regular posters are you, and how many your accomplaices. Just a suggestion.
Perhaps I could make another suggestion too? Stick to the politics, not the personalities. There was actually quite a nice little debate on the 42 days issue that started on here last week. It made for a darned site better reading than the constant character assassinations and two-plus-two-equals-fiveisms on here. Here's hoping anyway.
BTW - Hope you are keeping well. Last I heard you were off to serve HM. Hope everything panned out ok for you.
Should add that Cllr Pickles has a very unique style too, which crops up every now again on posts not filed under his name!
Don't wish to impune your honour or anything Cllr P. Just an observation!
All best
Can I just suggest one small thing, I think the detective work on here is great, but I was always led to believe that Eleanor and Darren disliked each other. I was told Eleanor wanted to prevent him running as a Councillor.
I would also suggest that the knowledge of history provided by Scullduggery reminds me of someone who would claim to have 'an almost academic knowledge of the subject'... I agree that Scullduggery is several people.
Situations change. Sometimes the maxim 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' is most apt in the field of politics. Having said that, it may not necessarily be the case that this blog was set up in defence of Eleanor - merely as an excuse to try and cause ructions in the local Party, or as a vehicle to slag off people who have done wrong in the eyes of the blogger.
Scullduggery is almost certainly Darren, who maintains the site. However, he has sources. So good for him!
Darren almost certainly posts under pseudonyms too. That is based merely on my reading of his writing style. Also on the way in which certain people line up to agree with Mr Duggery after he leaves a post or (in an effort to maintain pretence) attack his view of things.
I don't know his true reasoning, but would like to. Here's hoping.
I concur with all of the above.
Damn you for being so clever and for wrecking the Marsh/Pickles alliance.
All the best
I am scullduggery watch too!!!
I'm scullduggery watch, and so's my wife.
Doesn't Pickles look really quite stupid now, eh?
O god, we're not starting the spartacus routine on here again are we?
I hope Cllr Pickles is as open as you re his part in the Marsh/Pickles alliance!
All best
DP (AKA Parkmeister/statto/insert generic term of abuse/must actually do some work today)
This is fascinating. I think Scullduggery will never admit who he is.
David - In what context did Darren's name appear in the Adjudication Panel report which resulted from Eleanor's Standards' Board case?
RFK - should emphaisise it was not in any dodgy way. It's a matter of public record. Eleanor was merely trying to help Darren with some casework he picked up whilst running for Council in '06, and the Standards Board cited it as example of Eleanor being over-enthusiastic when dealing with LBS staff.
BTW, I thought Darren had made it very clear he was Mr Duggery in his post at 0500 (obviously the server's clock is not set correctly!).
Am going to stay off this topic now!
No I admit it. It is really me. Councillor Pickles was the brains of the outfit though. It was all his idea. I said to him we should not start up a rabble-rousing blog but he said he said I would not be allowed to join UKIP unless I did.
Darren Marsh, sorry I mean me, appeared as the Antagonist-In-Chief in the Eleanor Pinfold document.
Damn that Tory Pimpernel said the Chairman of the panel.
In all seriousness the document mentioned that an email from Eleanor to the aforementioned miscreant had gone awry. The email apparently contained truthful sentiments about certain Sutton Council officers being corrupt and untrustworthy. Eleanor Pinfold was then had over for expressing what at least 50% of the local electorate and Tory Councillors think anyway! Does anyone else remember that News of the World investigation a few years back?
Parky, would both yourself and Councillor Crowley be so kind as to remind us of what Senor Marsh did in the service of Her Maj again?
Just please don't say he was in the Intelligence corps!
The Parkmeister is also correct in his assertion that we should divert out attention away from this topic as Darren Marsh is a rather highly strung fellow after all. We would not wish to deliberately upset the sensitive soul now would we.
is this all a wind up or is this for real? LOL
i am also sculldugery watch!! Pardon me for catching up late. Seems i missed loads about who is really who. someone should email the marsh guy and ask for his input cause it might be funny. one of you torys must have it so let us know what he says. ardvark was cllr crowley then i take it.
It would seem that their writing styles compare favourably so I presume Queeny was correct when she alleged that Councillor Aleister Crowley was posting as Aardfart.
There was a rumour going around that Councillor Barry Russell, another Scully toady no less, was posting as Sean Ludlow-Harris on that blog run by our devious group leader who is often economical with the truth.
I wonder what kind of odds William Hill would give me for this blog for there is still two years to go after all.
All the best,
Darren Lee Marsh
All seems too much like smoke and mirrors to me.
I can say 100 per cent for certain that I am no sitting cllr and after reading about all the extra curricular activities i'm not so sure I want to be.
I will not be doing anymore delivering for the Conservatives in Worcestor Park or anywhere else for the foreseeable future.
But then again the Liberal Democrats don't have sod all to offer either.
This is what you get when every party tries to vie for the centre ground i'd say.
Its the Darren and David show...
666 to both of you.
Which ones Darren and which one is David?
I told you in one of the first posts that i knew who you were.
Come on David snd Darren.You are the best double act since Cannon and Ball.
Rock on Darren
Well folks, I must admit to being completely nonplussed by all this.
I will not post here again until there is proof positive that ScullyDuggery Watch is indeed Darren Marsh. Perhaps if there is proof and he comes clean, then it might be in everybodys best interests if the other "nicknames" revealed themselves too.
Scullduggerwatch cannot be Darren Marsh. It was my idea.
LOL @ horace aww i hope it isnt him cos this blog has been quite fun with all the anonimity and gossip bit like a masked ball i suppose.
Councillor Crowley knew what was going on all along.
That was why Aardfart/Crowley firstly accused this blog of being a Lib Dem front.
Then he insisted it was a UKIP propaganda machine.
Aardfart's latest eureka moment came about when he triumphantly declared that I am Darren Marsh and that Councillor Pickles is the Professor Moriarty of Sutton!
Any more cunning plans, Baldrick?
Something tells me that Aleister Crowley has been on the sauce tonight. The massive spacing and blatant typos indicates intoxication from him toasting what he no doubt considers to be the great unveiling of his blogging nemesis.
Tim, do you also frequent All Bar One like Master Scully does after he has done a bit of Eleanor bashing?
I admit i get turned on by seeing you torys fighting with each other heeheehee. Then i visit this blog expecting to find more of the same and i find silence instead. Well i never this wont do. What time does the fighting start again. I wonder whether the epsom derby day heist on that carshalton bookies was politics. Maybe them robbers were doing charity work for the skint Liberals.
Willard wrote: 'I will not be doing anymore delivering for the Conservatives in Worcestor Park'.
Good job too, you have obviously been going to the wrong place, maybe you meant Worcester Park?
Now Liberal is nagging me about my spelling just like er indoors.
You can see what i mean when i say the Liberal Democrats have nothing to offer.
Just more taxs woe and now complaints about poor grammer.
I certainly wont be delivering for your mob in a hurry neither.
All Bar One and One Bar All.
Maybe you Darren and David could turn up and it would be the Three Drinkateers.
Evidently Liberals are seen in that establishment from time to time.
Obviously Aardvarks dont drink.
That is just plain silly.
aardvarks dont drink but cllr tim crowley likes a tipple or ten. shall we all get tickets for music in the park at carew manor. as long as when the bee gees tribute act gets on stage i get a dance with cllr pickles LOL
Councillor Aardvark Crowley:
Do you honestly think I would want to drink at the same watering hole as your Master Scully?
Get a grip on reality, man- I do have standards.
Just out of curiosity who usually pays for Scully's rounds anyway?
I have a vision in my mind's eye of all the Conservative Councillors being ordered to meet up for a drink. Even the feistier ones who are less than enamoured of Scully are cajoled into going.
Thus they all set off to meet in Scully's favourite haunt, All Bar One, which is a great place to get sloshed if you have successfully chucked one of your loyal colleagues out the national party, or so I hear.
So the beers are flowing and everyone is putting their hands into their own pockets to buy the rounds. It gets to Scully's round (who in true Napoleonic fashion is seated at the head of the table with a few telephone directories acting as boosters on the seat of his chair) and the pint-sized assassin leans across to Councillor Bonehead and whispers something in his ear.
Scully's lieutenant then stands up and glares menacingly at the other Councillors until the meekest and mildest amongst their number dutifully cough up for the group leader's drinks bill!
ok so that is the ONLY story on this blog that is purely fictional but it's inspiration was drawn from another very true story that was reported on this blog not so long ago. Did that particular scenario sound familiar to anyone?
Chortle! I'm back from holiday, refreshed. I cannot beleive what has been going on during the time I've been away (had a nice spell in the Canaries).
I don't know a "Darren Marsh", so he means nothing to me either way. Can anybody tell me was he ever a councillor in Sutton? I'm just a bit suspicious about this though. This David Park character seems to be sure he is right, and I suppose he knows more about these things than me.
I just have a strong feeling that this individual is possibly a sitting tory councillor because he has posted quite a lot of what is going on within the group supposedly.
I think you'll find he has contacts who provide info. Some people on here have suggested David Pickles, who certainly has knowledge and is close to several sitting Tory Councillors'. But as stated by several above, Scullduggery's knowledge most fits the time in which Darren was a member.
By the way, are you a Sutton resident Peter?
Rossgellar - yes. I live in Carshalton area, I believe Mr Kennedy is one of my councillors.
nope he ain't a sitting councillor. park & aardvark said it was them two though so you can bet the house on it.
i want to know if pickles & marsh have concrete alibis for 1963. i blame marsh for being in the dallas book depository & i swear i saw video footage of pickles with a rifle on the grassy knoll.
i am off to google for a bit. i bet with any luck we can pin the crusades & jack the ripper's murders on them too
Who - Mr Kennedy isn't a sitting councillor? I could have sworn he won a seat at the last election.
The plot thickens. This is fascinating and it has made such a lively debate. So when did marsh stop being a member. Guessing it was recent cause the info on the thread seems up to date. And which of the tory councillors are still close to the ukip man.
I missed this!! Why didn't I keep an eye on this place more often for i cant believe I missed all this tremendous fun!! I received e-mails from 2 other Lib Dems this very night saying that interesting things were afoot on here and they weren't lying.
Colin Hall told us that he was the Watchman as a prank so through a process of deduction we figured it was actually some whistle blower within the Sutton Tory party. I second Clunkings' question about these likely sources who are feeding the person or persons responsible? I agree that this is all quite exciting!!
Will the real aardvark please stand up?
Wherever did Parky and Crowley run off to? I was thoroughly enjoying listening to their rationale.
I too would be extremely interested to learn of these sources that The Watchman is currently using.
So many questions have been offered up by (seemingly) different sides of the political spectrum so let us see that they are answered accordingly. What say you, Parky?
Peter Worthington sounds more like my councillor who lives in Kingswood Drive, Belmont?
Darren and David
Talking to yourself is recognised as the first sign of madness.
Perhaps you should check your stools!
Councillor Crowley,
Did you mean bar stools?
There really is no need, for you know that we don't spend anywhere near as much time in the pub as you.
Golden and Clunking you are wasting your time I fear. They have not quite worked out all the angles yet. The presumption is that if Scully & Co. remain silent for long enough then hopefully they can feign competence when they learn the real truth!
All the best,
David Park why bother trying to sell us a story about party members doubling as informants if you wont give us full details?
Give us the whole story not your creative version. Otherwise this does begin to look like nothing more than idle gossip.
Why waste time - two rather sad souls have found some solice in each other's company. It has been quite clear for some time who it was and the verbage they have been peddling is just that - complete and utter rubbish designed to cause confusion and discontent.
Two obviously mentally and socially challenged individuals who should have been outed earlier but it has been such fun reading the wanderings of their troubled minds.
We are better off without them
Darren and David.
It really is quite sad that you are fairly unable to say nice words about anybody.
What have Aardvarks ever done to the pair of you.
It is a shame because i am sure that deep down there is a vestige of humanity in your souls.
The trouble is that you are unable to break free from "Her Majestys" spell.
Hypnosis may well help,or perhaps that is what you are under.
The Vark
We just broke through the 101 mark so this has become the most popular thread so far!
A message to Scully's sycophants:
The Nazarene is indeed correct. We are indeed better off without them. I am baffled though as to how those who you perceive to be two feckless individuals could even be capable of causing so much damage and spreading rampant disharmony around the local party. Or did such disharmony already exist long before it was discussed on this blog?
Though it is also extremely amusing to read that not agreeing with treachery in your own party can only be catagorised as 'not having a good word to say about anyone'. I am sure that Councillor Aardvark Crowley's comments will come as a great shock to his constituents.
If such souls are so very mentally and socially challenged then why bother to frequent what you hope is their electronic company several times daily? Perhaps you are concerned of what truths The Watchman and his various accomplices might reveal next.
Indeed, Scully & Co. have good reason to be concerned!
Sounds very cryptic!!
Have you more revelations about the Sutton conservatives then Scullduggery?
Do you both remember the programme room 101?
That is where some of your blog posts should be put.
Good evening, Orwell.
I have to say I loved your books on 1984 and Animal Farm.
Very apt that we have a Scully sycophant who is posting under that particular moniker.
For Scully sees himself as Big Brother of the Sutton Tories.
Wasn't there also a pig in Animal Farm that was named Napoleon?
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
That quote could certainly have been penned by Scully to justify his actions. We only need to look at the way the Conservative hierarchy selected a sympathetic jury for the to have Eleanor Pinfold thrown out the party to understand the rationale behind such a theory.
Good gracious David and Darren,you are becoming more like the two Ronnies everyday.
Perhaps you should be saying
"Its goodnight from me,and its goodnight from him" to justify this blog.
As it is you who has bought up Eleanor Pinfold can i ask if she is at Royal Ascot this week?
If so why are you two not in attendance?
Councillor Tim Crowely could I just ask whether you expressed such rabid sentiment towards Eleanor Pinfold in person, or were you too afraid to insult a woman (who stood barely five feet tall) to her face?
The title of Burrell is also most apt. I am sure that Scully Il Duce is never short of a butler whilst he has the likes of you pandering to his every whim.
Keep barking Timmy!
oh gawd its getting bitchy LOL and what happened to david park answering those questions about which of the tory cllrs was spreading gossip. so are we all going to meet up at music in the park at carew manor. i got my ticket from the library this week be great if we all met up ; )
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