Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Peter Geiringer: Club Med's Tory Councillor

If you were one of the Belmont residents who voted for Peter Geiringer at the last election then you might be interested in the following facts.

The local Conservative Councillor for Belmont ward will not be available to help you with any issues that may be affecting either you or your fellow residents, namely because he is about to begin slapping on the Ambre Solaire and topping up his tan on the deck of an ocean going vessel.

Peter Geiringer is about to embark on his third cruise of this year despite our only being in the month of June!

Now we must be careful not to begrudge anyone who can afford such luxurious excursions in the sun. However, it might be worth questioning whether Councillor Geiringer really requires three fortnight-long holidays in the space of half a year despite being duty-bound to represent the interests of those Belmont residents who elected him into office.

Can Peter Geiringer really offer an effective service to the local electorate whilst he is repeatedly sprawled out on a sun lounger or dining at the Captain's table a couple of thousand miles away?

The Watchman has learned from one of his Conservative party sources that the Sutton Tories produced the following quotes for a leaflet which was distributed in the Belmont ward. A few comments have been added in purple font which Belmont's readers may find helpful:

"Your TWO Conservative councillors, Pam Picknett and Peter Geiringer (Notice Picknett's name is mentioned first for a change - is that because Geiringer is thousands of miles away?) were so dissatisfied by the previous document that they insisted that a newly worded replacement document be sent out - this time with a reply paid questionnaire....
Pam Picknett (Notice she's the only one quoted) who is now deputy chairman of the Conservative-run Belmont, Cheam and Sutton South Local Committee on this Lib-Dem run local authority, said: "We wanted to ensure that every household in the road could have their say on this issue - the new form explains in more detail why the council officers are so keen to progress this matter....
TOGETHER, WE'RE FIGHTING FOR BELMONT'S COMMUNITY (Well, one 'fighter' will be off on yet another sun-seeking mission in the Med whilst his Belmont constituents are fending for themselves!)
Sutton Conservatives have launched a set of groundbreaking "Policy groups" set up to listen to you with view (sic) to shaping our next manifesto....
Our policy groups will be talking to outside experts who will sit on the groups alongside local Conservative councillors to listen, reflect (Imagine pausing to reflect on the sun deck with a glass of Pimms in one's hand. Bliss!), and respond to your concerns and priorities....
The groups will cover a wide range of areas including Law and Order, Community and Environmental Sustainability, Health and Wellbeing (Councillor Geiringer should be consulted on this issue- those cruise ships carry a full compliment of masseuses, spas and saunas), Education, Transport (if only Sutton had it's own harbour), Housing and Planning....
We're (sic) are committed to making Sutton a better place for all residents (the irony being that if you are off on your nautical jollies you have very little time to dedicate to fulfilling this pledge to the same voters that elected you into office!)

I understand that Councillor Peter Geiringer will be back in his ward by the beginning of July. I am sure that Belmont's residents will join me in wishing Peter a refreshing holiday and hope that he will thoroughly enjoy any other foreign excursions he may or may not be planning to take this year.

Ship Ahoy!


Scullduggery Watch said...

A prediction:

This thread is obviously about a Conservative Belmont Councillor with a penchant for foreign travel.

This will attract comments from Scully Il Duce's little gang of train bearers and punkawallahs who will claim that this blog is a UKIP front and that The Watchman is linked in some way to the UKIP Councillor for Belmont. However, they will have failed to grasp the nettle once again.

Should an opposition Councillor have shown such disregard for those residents he is supposed to serve by repeatedly taking foreign holidays then the Sutton Tory leadership would have made great political capital out of such neglect of duty, and justifiably so.

One would therefore hope that Councillor Paul Scully, the leader of the Sutton Conservative group, will get a grip on his Councillor's wanderlust and ensure that less of his time is spent wearing Ray-Bans and eating ice cream. Surely this is no more than the voters of Belmont deserve?

Scullduggery Watch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scullduggery Watch said...

I was forced to delete the above comment as someone calling itself 'Flick' (a similar sounding moniker beginning with 'P' would have been fitting) decided to discuss mail sacks and sunburn rather than stay on-topic.

Flick: Master Scully will throw you a biscuit for such loyalty so do try to keep the nonsense over on his blog. Meanwhile, keep the posts on-topic whilst you are here. I know that the consumption of copious quantities of alcohol whilst blogging saps at your concentration but please try to make a special effort just for me.

Anonymous said...

You have obviously thrown in the towel on Belmont if this is the best you can come up with.
Where are you and Darren going on holiday this year?
Somewhere nice i hope.

Anonymous said...

I think you will find that as of 11.30 AMon the 19th June 2008 Cllr Peter Georinger is still in the country and expected at a ctte meeting this very evening.
Must have been a short cruise up the Wandle perhaps.
Get your facts right David.

Anonymous said...

Dave and Daz,

So anyone that does not agree with you is something to do with Paul Scully are they? I think you are both very paranoid and maybe should seek some professional help.

I see Aard reveals yet another Scullduggery lie..

Anonymous said...

Interesting thesis Darren, one might ask whether David Pickles can do his job as a councillor seeing as he is pissed all of the time - low grade claret being the tipple of choice.

Anonymous said...

Flick says to me that comments deleted by the moron running this blog merely enquired as to whether or not scullduggerywatch could enlighten us as to his skills in mail bag manufacture, trained at great expense by the tax payer whilst working for "HM". That and his penchant for testing the more fleshy parts of the human body.

Anonymous said...

One does hear that the conservative dep leader gets completely rat arsed on every sabbath day. Said cllr then proceeds to drunk dial other colleagues and cllrs to kindly offer them the benefit of his drunken ramblings. Slanche!

Anonymous said...

I have just spoken to Cllr Geiringer who would like to assure everyone including the author of this blog that he is still here in blighty.
He also assures me that when he does go away later this year it will be his first holiday of 2008.
Where you are getting your info from is obviously not well researched.
He also asked me to say that Cllr Pickles has assured him that he has nothing to do with this blog.
Peter being a trusting sort of chap accepts this until proven otherwise.

An apology perhaps?

Anonymous said...

And what does scullduggerywatch get up to on the sabbath? Let us consult the Police reports shall we. Hmm very interesting.

Anonymous said...


Is an apology going to be given to Cllr Geiringer? He has a good heart and it's sad that your sources have tried to smear him. This is further evidence that nothing you say can be trusted.

Scullduggery Watch said...

Nope. The sources are impeccable and Geiringer is of on his third holiday of the year. He will not be at the meeting of July 2nd so I presume that Peter will be donning the bell bottoms and setting sail in the next couple of days if he hasn't done so already.

Councillor Tim Crowley: Stop acting as Geiringer's mouthpeice. Not a single one of Scully's sycophants have denied the fact that Peter will shortly be off on a cruise so if he wishes to voice his objections to what I have written then let Geiringer visit this blog and deny it in person. I am sure he can take some time off from counting his money to type a short statement!

Where are your manners, Councillor Crowley? You could wish Councillor Geiringer bon voyage at the very least!

Anonymous said...

I have looked in here again out of interest, and really must protest. I personally cannot remember whether PG is having his
1st, 3rd or 10th holiday of the year, but that is his business.

Let's not let blogs get out of hand and personal. By all means knock, and knock hard as I do, but holidays surely are out of the remit of politics.

Scullduggery Watch said...

PG is a tad gaffe prone so I will fully understand if Commandant Scully insists on micro-managing the drafting of such a release. I do recall Geiringer telling a journalist he didn't have time for recycling and thus ending up on the front page of the local rag. We wouldn't want that to happen again now would we?

p.s. Commandant Scully likes to talk about how democratic he is but then he hides behind threats of litigation when someone asks a probing question or produces a fact that he doesn't like. However, if you are accusing someone of having a police record (and I don't mean 'Walking on the Moon') despite the distinct possibility of such a statement not having any basis in fact, then you should observe the following procedure:

a) State the full name of the person you are accusing.

b) Stop talking in riddles and identify yourself by stating your own name in full.

c) Return to this blog with proof of your allegation and an explanation to support your desperate bid to tarnish those who you clearly deem to be a threat.

d) If what you have said has no basis in fact then feel free to apologise profusely and offer a full retraction to your statement.

Note to Councillor Tim Crowley: Desperation is never a pretty sight to behold!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Is Geiringer away at the moment or not?
He is not so your blog is a pack of lies.
That is a fact.
What dont you understand about that.
What residents of Belmont will understand is the Daz and Dave show trying to smear someone who has done public service for over 30years.
Perhaps your real identity is Darren Brown not Darren Marsh because you seem quite convinced that black is white and white is black.

The Vark.

Anonymous said...

take me onboard if you like cllr pickles! LMAO have to disagree with the holiday theory though hun cos if you get elected then surely you cant take so much time off. i dunno what the rules say but i would want a cllr who wasnt always off on vacation

Anonymous said...

aardvark. I know not who you are, and don't really care much. What I do object to are your insinuations that I have a double act going here. If you would like to visit me (and you know my address because I know you have been here before), perhaps I can explain to you face to face of my computer and technical knowledge, which is pretty minimal.

As for "Daz" Darren Marsh, I know not of his whereabouts either, but I promise you that if I find him I will let him know these allegations.

Anonymous said...

Pleased to see we are all still playing nicely here!!
Quite an interesting story about Cllr Geiringer none-the-less.
I would hasten to add my own personal viewpoint to this melee of scores being settled- that being i feel a Cllr should be careful about taking so much time off after all he should put his residents interests above his own.
Would it not be less time consuming if someone found the suspects e-mail addy and asked him outright?
Unless no-one knoweth of his contact details of course, if so discard this comment.

Anonymous said...

I am another liberal im afraid. Golden Dove-not his real name-told me there was a heated exchange in effect between the Tory elements of LB Sutton. I agree that its no business of ours if a cllr fellow decides to get away for a bit. But you'd be correct in saying if he takes a sabbatical too many times in a short period then he is neglecting his position. 30 years service or no the cllr in question needs to be prepared to listen to reason & bow to the collective will of his voters.

Anonymous said...

The following needs to be explained-
'Let us consult the Police reports shall we. Hmm very interesting.'
If there are no grounds for this remark then this is a disgusting waste of font by a suspected Sutton conservative cllr/activist/sympathiser/mischief maker.
The references to a stay at Her Majesty's pleasure need to be substantiated. I would hope that such utterances were not made by a cllr as to do so would be against their code of conduct- unless it were true of course.
If true it would beg the question as to why Suttons conservatives fielded a candidate who had a prior criminal conviction.
Whatever the case this blog does not show Suttons conservatives in a very good light. I'd even go so far as to say that the comments and stories contained herein show a very ugly side to the LBS conservative opposition.

Anonymous said...

Pete Geiringer my old bourgiousie arch nemesis is off on a big boat. Who now will be the big gob with the loudhailer in the high street. heehee sorry Pete couldnt resist

Anonymous said...

The most absurd thing about this postis that Cllr Geiringer is being pilloried for a holiday he has not taken yet.
What about Cllr Brett Young who swanned off to Canada for 3 1/2 weeks whilst 93 girls had no secondary schools allocated.
Or other Conservative and Lib Dem cllrs who have had more than one holiday already this year.
Could it have something to do with the ward perhaps.
Belmont where there are 2 Conservative and 1 UKIP Cllrs.
This is so obvious that even a blind man in the dark could see through it.
So Cllr Geiringer will not be at a meeting on the 2nd July....Wow what a revelation.
Hands up those Cllrs who have not missed a ctte meeting at some point?
Scullduggery says he will not apologise but the fact that he has changed this post from yesterday to the future tense from the present speaks volumnes.

Anonymous said...

Always hard work to be done in sutton : You stated that 'Tory elements of LB Sutton' are involved in debate here. This is untrue, a person who is not a member is posing as one with the aid of a Councillor from another party and making ridiculous allegations. This is nothing more than a smear website.

As for Scullduggery, you note in your points about unsubstantiated allegations that people should state their full name and give evidence... So I assume you will be doing the same from now on?

Anonymous said...

Fresh Prince,this website has more similarities with "Its a knockout" rather than anything political.
If you look at another blogsite Cllr Pickles threatened a Tom Stanford and offered to rearrange his nose.Great political debate from an elected councillor.
You can imagine him on the doorstep something akin to Bill Sykes.
"Vote for me or i will rearrange your features"
The Tory party is well shot of Cllr Pickles and his ilk and the voters of Belmont ward will show him the door properly in 2010.

Anonymous said...


I have been e-mailed by Cllr Faulds this evening concerning a post made on this website regarding his behaviour when being delivered a leaflet by UKIP in the Cheam by-election back in January/February.

Cllr Faulds assures me that he did not either treat the deliverer with contempt nor shout abuse and slam the door after the leaflet was delivered.

I, in turn, have assured Cllr Faulds that this blogsite is nothing to do with me.

I am happy to put the record straight publicly and accept that Cllr Faulds did not abuse a UKIP deliverer in any way, as he has assured me.

Anonymous said...

Correction to the above post:-

Apparently it was not during the Cheam by-election, but a separate delivery made by UKIP in the Beddington South constituency, where I believe Cllr Faulds is the local representative.

Anonymous said...

".....As I have stated before: The "Paul Scullduggery Watch" blog will continue to broadcast an alternative message, without moderation....."

Empty words from the moron that runs this blog...

Scullduggery Watch said...

Good afternoon Scullduggery fans!

Do mine eyes deceive me or do we have a little tete a tete instigated by many Scully sycophant being present on my blog?

It is nice to see that we have at last received confirmation from one of his bodyguards that Geiringer IS off to sunny climes AND will be missing a committee meeting in the process.

Now allow The Watchman to transport you back in time to a couple of months ago. You may recall that an opposition Councillor was also forced to miss a committee meeting but for a completely different reason. On the contrary the said opposition Councillor was NOT off on his jollies to catch some sun and bed foreign totty but was absent because he needed to stay at home to look after his young daughter that evening.

As a result he was LAMBASTED by Councillor Paul Scully and his loyal gang of brown-noses (ie. those of whom have been present on this very thread).

I take it that Councillor Paul Scully will of course redress the imbalance here and post a message on this blog, or his own, condemning Councillor Geiringer for missing a meeting "which Councillors are given notice of many months in advance". Especially when it is for a non-essential reason such as taking a recreational tour of the Mediterranean.

Post it right here, Paul!

Scullduggery Watch said...

The story of Train Spotter Faulds having a hissy fit at receiving a opposition party's leaflet is a rather amusing little anecdote and what is more is 100% FACT. Faulds' is well noted for his emotional outbursts so I am surprised he cannot see the funny side of such a revelation. Viva la Diva!

"As for Scullduggery, you note in your points about unsubstantiated allegations that people should state their full name and give evidence..." -Fresh Prince

For such heinous allegations as someone supposedly having a police record I would say that would be par for the course. We all know that the reason Scully Il Duce's little gang of hitmen hate this blog is because it reveals facts they wish never saw the light of day. Yet more proof that you don't fight fair when a dissenting voice starts speaking out against you!

Also, rather than react with such mock indignation we should be looking at the Pickles vs. "Stanford" spat from an economic perspective.

I personally would pay to see Councilor Pickles clump the gobby Pro-Scully Councillor who I believe to be responsible for posting under the "Tom Stanford" alias.

I am sure that resources can be pooled and a boxing ring could be hired for charity. As Scully is the master of self-promotion there would be no need for a PR Svengali like Max Clifford to sell tickets. (Paul moves faster than Dwain Chambers on EPO when he sees a camera, he loves to get his face in the local papers so I feel that Sutton has it's own Don King in the making and hence the fight would be a sell-out!)

I am happy to promote the bout right here upon my own blog and I would be happy to use the contacts that I have in the local press. I am sure that we could get Boris, Dave & George at ringside and I suppose that Nigel Farage would be there to cheer on his UKIP contender.

Lets do it for charity!

Anonymous said...

Cllr Pickles is still a coward who refuses to fight a byelection after defecting from the party that got him elected.
What makes you think Darren that he would have the guts for a boxing match?
As for trying to turn the artgument with regards to Geiringer it just will not wash.
Please name every Cllr that has missed meetings to give this story balance.
i do believe the former Tory leader missed a few.Yes she even managed to miss the standards board by going on holiday to Russia.
Quite ironical in the circumstances.


Anonymous said...

"...This blog was set up as an alternative voice to the biased propaganda being broadcast by the ruling elite within the Sutton Conservative party. The creation of this blog became an unfortunate but necessary counter- measure...."

Just goes to demonstrate what complete rubbish the owner of this blog is spouting.

Anyway, in the interests of balance, a new blog is coming soon near you, called scullduggerywatchwatcher and to give you a flavour of its content, we'll be including:

What does it take to become a Marine?
Is EPO better than crack?
Government sponsored hotels - the people who use them!
Forget two fists Prescott, here's how to use your hands properly.
Domestic abuse - just for couples or a game the whole family can play?
Why I failed to get to Westminster.

All with supporting photos, videos and certified transcripts of interviews with Mr Scullduggerywatch himself.

*** STOP THE PRESS *** also supporting previously unseen video footage of Scullduggerywatch's mate in arms... remember you read it hear first...

Anonymous said...

And yet another new blogspot coming soon - Scullduggerywatchwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcherwatcher.

Anonymous said...

You may be surprised to know Darren that i do not agree with the post from scullduggerywatchwatcher.
I mean who would stoop to that level.
Banter is fine but getting deep down and personal i believe oversteps the mark.
I am sure you agree with this....

Anonymous said...

This is getting absolutely ridiculous. I call upon "Scullduggerywatch" to retract his statements regarding Cllr Geiringer. I think he/she is sailing close to the wind here.

As for Cllr Faulds, I have e-mailed him this evening and promised to look into this situation. I do recall being told about the alleged incident but have no current recall of who was involved.

If it was a UKIP deliverer then I will find out and furnish details to Cllr Faulds by return.

SCULLDUGGERYWATCH - I am all for hard debate, indeed I have overstepped the mark many times myself, but I do feel that you should now tone this blog down or close it down.

Anonymous said...


Scullduggery Watch said...

The Watchman is back after a short break away (don't worry I am not an elected Councillor holidaying in neglect of his duties and I did not sail away on a Club Med boat) and I am pleased to see that the blog has not lost it's controversial edge!

After reading some of the posts I can I say that the hierarchy of the Sutton Tories could never be accused of lacking creativity. I do sincerely wish that the brave keyboard warrior who has declared himself The Watchman's watcher actually makes good on it's promise and duly spills the beans.

Please tell us more about what it takes to become a Marine, how to use one's hands properly and what constitutes domestic abuse. These are of course extremely interesting topics along with the reasons why a certain person failed to get into Westminster.

I can't help but feel that you had someone specific in mind so it would be most amusing to all if you actually explained your allegations in full and offered full details about any events that have taken place.

All very amusing stuff thus far!

Someone is clearly being slandered by one of Scully's sycophants so rather than hint at a person's failings or heinous crimes let us here the full and frank account right here on this blog.

Or is the scullduggerywatchwatcher who types a lot like Councillor Tim Crowley simply full of piss and wind? I would be disappointed if that were found to be the case!

Anonymous said...

Is cllr geiringer enjoying his hols? LOL

Anonymous said...

Is a short break code for community service? Or was the blog owner simply away honing his pugilist skills?

Anonymous said...

oh dear it does appear that the conservatives are upping the ante in a smear campaign against the blog owner.
It does seem as though the tories wish for the editor of this blog to be silenced by any means.
Unless someone can substantiate such claims of course?

Anonymous said...

amazing, Scullduggerywatch starts posting again and all of a sudden his pseudonyms.. I mean.. 'regular posters' appear again!!

Ps - your stereotyping is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Well here's one for you all. I suggest you read the front page headline in the SUTTON POST this evening, because it seems that Cllr Scully's boast that "Lib-Dem joins our call", is not all it's cracked up to be.

It appears that Cllr Carter (Sutton North), has wasted a vast amount of tax-payers money by insisting that a 40-tonne lorry be sent out to collect ONE bag of garden waste which was overlooked.

The Sutton Post front page has done the Tories no favours at all, and Paddy Kane (he of the LIB-DEMS) hasn't "joined our call" as Scully posted, exactly the opposite.

If only these people would do their research before they spouted off political sound-bites!

Anonymous said...

If you read back over my posts you will see i seldom leave my comments in this domain.
Rather than feeling compelled to post several times a day as some do I only comment on occasions when I feel my intervention is warranted.
Is there anyone using this blog who has not so far had been labeled a Scullduggerywatch pseudo?
Im delighted that you have felt the need to accuse me of playing a far bigger part in the grand scheme of things than I do!
I reserve my deepest thanks for the compliment you have bestowed on me. You've made an old(ish) man very happy.

Anonymous said...

What sort of stupid person are you Cllr Pickles (if indeed that is who you say you are)? The council sent the lorry out - they could have been a little more environmentally aware by using a smaller vehicle. Better still, why not get the job done properly in the first instance.

It is idiot comments like the one you have just posted that do politics, local and national no favours at all. You get your facts right.

Anonymous said...

My Lib Dem council should have collected sooner, perhaps.
Though cllr Carter's insistence at using a leviathan sized machine despite being advised of it's unsuitability was sheer lunacy on his part.
So much for the conservative attempts at conveying their green credentials.

Anonymous said...

Mr Barnes - I don't think the word "stupid" could ever be levelled at me, especially as it's ME who has got the facts right.

If you care to peruse the Sutton Post you will see in good old black and white the following:- "But Cllr Kane said the depot supervisor advised Cllr Carter the truck was not suitable for a single collection - AND THIS WAS IGNORED".

You can't get any more factual than that Mr Barnes now can you?

Scullduggery Watch said...

I understand that Ye Olde Pratt (Carter) also gave the Council chappie a volley of abuse for his trouble.

Maybe when we get preparations for that Pickles/Stanford charity boxing match underway we could also arrange to have Councillor Carter fight the aforementioned LB Sutton employee on the undercard!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to butt after not posting for a bit. Noticed cllr scully never slagged off cllr geiringer for missing a council meeting to go on his hols. Yet i noticed that he slaughtered cllr pickles for taking a night off to look after his child though the reason seemed valid. I suppose thats cos pickles isnt in the tory party no more. Funny how personal gain affects some peoples morals innit.

Anonymous said...

So it seems that there were three Cllrs present during this exchange, including Cllr. Pickles and Cllr Kane. At least that is what is to be gleaned from the quote on this blog... "ME who has got the facts right". and Cllr Kane's quote in the newspaper. The former quote is relying upon a news story - never a good idea unless one has done one's own research first or unless that person was there at the time and the latter who again was not present and has not exactly got a good track record on such matters.

We shall leave that debate for another day.

Anonymous said...

jo kerr - or joker? Either way not a very good effort. Don't give up the day job chum!

Scullduggery Watch said...

Why is the moronic Councillor Tim Crowley using the alias "jo kerr" and posting the same comment on separate threads?

Attention Timothy: For an answer to your feeble effort to defend Councillor Carter's actions please feel free to read my response on the thread that actually covers this topic entitled 'Get Carter: Councillor Cliff's 40-tonne gaff'.

Anonymous said...

No I am Jo Kerr and I live in the borough of Sutton and I am perfectly entitled to post comments on this blog and agree / disagree with anything - free speech and all that. Is that not why you set up this blog Darren, or is it, as is now being reported on another recently established blog not so far from here just a channel through which you can sound off at those who can and have done more for society than yourself and also deflect from your own personal inadeqaucies?

Anonymous said...

crowley has done well licking scullys backside hasnt he. fine example to society scully sets betraying people who he should be loyal to. just ask that bird who represented cheam!!!

Anonymous said...

Obviously likes his holidays.

Scullduggery Watch said...

So does Councillor Geiringer. I couldn't reach him when I went looking for a quote for this thread.

I think that was something to do with the fact that he is currently off playing puddle pirates on the deep azure.

Anonymous said...

Do you get holidays in your present job Darren or is security a 24/7/52 job these days?

Anonymous said...

What a dumb question to ask. If some of you privileged Torys lived in the real world you would know what blue collar work was all about. Makes me die when i hear conservatives tellling us theres now such thing as society and maggie got that bit wrong.Goes to show the truth that the Torys are still looking down on us low earners. What can we expect when the top two tory boys are eton toffs.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the great clunking fist should let go of his member and open his eyes to the real world too. Blue collar workers - now there's a blast from the past. Seem like a simple question to Darren from anonymous was met with nil response but some rather tupid comments from another identity.

Anonymous said...

tupid comments? I agree that is last thing we would have wanted. Dictionary might be useful. Then he challenges the existence of blue collar workers.Maybe masturbation has ruined his eyesight. What a complete idiot you are. Get the ball rolling and tell us what you do for a living and what you earn.

Scullduggery Watch said...

I always thought that the Conservative party were supposed to empower the working classes through it's embracing the theories of small state, lower taxation and the notion that all were equal in society. This does not appear to be the case in Scully's Conservatives however.

I am not sure what AnonyMOUSE was angling at but he does appear to be insinuating that those employed in the security industry are the laughing stock of his local party.

Therefore I presume that those registered with the SIA are deemed as the scum of the earth in the eyes of Scully.

Perhaps this would be worth mentioning in the next Sutton Conservative manifesto. "All security personnel are detested by Paul Scully and therefore their votes, activism and donations are not required by either myself or my party". I am sure that such inclusive sentiments would go down very well with the local electorate.

Even if it was printed in Scully's manifesto it could never be taken as gospel anyway. Just look how he lied about his proposal to not increase Councillor allowances, right before Councillor Shields got an extra £5-6k over the odds.

As Mr Littlejohn would say: "Nice work if you can get it."

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that many comments get deleted from this "unmoderated blog"... practice what you preach Darren...

Anonymous said...

Naz must be a proper numpty. i didnt see nothing deleted apart from swear words and other irrelevant stuff. Half the stuff writ on here would never be allowed on wannabee toff scullys blog so quit whining. Naz is clearly one of scullys bitches.

Anonymous said...

We must see this as it is. Scully and his cohorts are milking the public for all they can. Shields is taking an extra 5-6£k just for being "deputy", and let's face it the Tories exponentially are taking as much as the greedy Lib-Dems are.

So let's not have any bull on here. The Tories are as guilty as the Lib-Dems where money is concerned. They are all greedy bastards at the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

Apart from kissing Cllr Scully's backside, does Cllr Tony Shields actually do anything to earn his extra £6k?