Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Scully's Dirty Tricks Department (Status: Active)

It would seem that the hierarchy of the Sutton Conservatives have been so concerned by the continued success of this blog that they have decided to fight even dirtier than usual. As a direct result of this I was forced to delete approximately 15 posts from this blog (posts which suddenly appeared during the early hours of Monday the 6th of April 2008).

But do not worry oh intrepid readers and seasoned political watchers of Sutton, I have not morphed into Commandant Paul Scully and set about stifling your freedom of speech!

Au contrare, I refuse to hide behind litigation like Commandant Scully does.

I will not hold back when it comes to voicing my opinions on any side of the political spectrum. Nor will I refrain from lambasting those politicos who go beyond the realms of credibility and insult the intelligence of the electorate by their hypocrisy and double standards and all the while feathering their nests at the expense of local taxpayers.

Nor will I avoid any questions which refer to the current political climate here in the London Borough of Sutton. All political topics of conversation which relate to the London Borough of Sutton are up for debate right here on this forum.

Scully's henchmen are more than welcome to visit this blog and slag me off (constructively though I hope) any time they so wish. They have the most to hide so naturally I fully expect to see the Vesuvius of bile erupting from 48 Benhill Avenue every time I reveal yet another inconvenient truth about the Sutton Tory hierarchy.

What is unacceptable though is when certain malevolent factions from the Sutton Conservative hierarchy visit this blog at Commandant Scully's behest and leave stupid posts about sherbet, fairies, mouse traps and parties at the bottom of the garden (this blog having been bombarded with posts on these intriguing subjects not even 48 hours ago).

Scully's Dirty Tricks Department went into warp drive during the early hours of Monday morning when a certain Tory Cretin found the need to imitate other Google Blogger members and also to link this particular blog to a male homosexual porn site.

The current powermongers in the Sutton Conservatives clearly have plenty to hide, otherwise they wouldn't be attempting to force this blog into closure.

Is it really too much to expect the Sutton Conservatives to respect democracy and other's freedom of speech? Let us hope that we can now continue debating the Sutton political scene without any more bullying from the leadership of the Sutton Conservatives.

One thing is for certain: This blog is here to stay, regardless of whether Commandant Scully likes it or not.


Scullduggery Watch said...

If anyone wishes to receive the deleted Sutton Conservative posts to view for themselves then they may email me at:


Anonymous said...

Mr Scullduggery Watch. How about opening another thread just with all the deleted Sutton Conservative posts on it?

Anonymous said...

I must say, what is going on here? I understand this is an alternative "blog site" to that set up by Cllr Scully, and "scullduggery watch" has offered to reveal once again the deleted e-mails. It appears to be that there is some sort of campaign going on against someone who is actually still a member of the Tory party, so it must be quite amusing to think that everybody at Benhill Avenue is watching their backs just in case. As an aside, after it was revealed how ex-Cllr Pinfold was treated, and subsequent events, I have decided to resign my membership and will not be renewing. At 61 years of age I think I am above all this nonsense, and am surprised that somebody who thinks he is as in charge as Cllr Scully has let the party degenerate this far.

Anonymous said...

I find the above posting rather sad, but sad in the respect that I have looked through the membership lists for the borough, and can find no listing for a "Patricia Hollingsworth".

Ms Patricia Hollingsworth - are you posting under an assumed name by chance?

Anonymous said...

Mr Gilded-Ballcocks,

Of course I am posting under an assumed name. Do you think I am silly? I can tell you I am not a councillor, nor a senior or prominent member of the Conservatives in Sutton, but a member I am until my membership runs out which I will NOT be renewing.

I take it then that Stewpot Gilded-Ballcocks is your REAL name?

Anonymous said...

i only ever met councillor scully once. it was two years ago. he knocked on my door and asked me to vote for him.

i did not trust him im sorry to say. im a pretty good judge of character and he seemed pretty evasive to me. like a snail oil salesman. very slippery.

i wasnt suprised when i read the article in the sutton guardian about what had been going on in the conservatives.

when i read the stories on this blog i decided i couldnt vote conservative again.

i dont like the liberals as they just waste money but the conservatives seem to want to do the same. plus the way they treated that pinfold woman just turns my stomach.

the greens want to take everyones car away and i want to europe to stop telling us what to do.

can anyone tell me if the united kingdom independence party are putting candidates in carshalton at the next election.

Anonymous said...

"Carshalton Crumpet" If you give me your name address and phone number I'll fill you in with the details you require.

Scullduggery Watch said...

lol are you taking me on a date cllr pickles or helping me vote for the united kingdom independence party.

i have to say i admire your letters in the paper. at least you say what you think unlike these others. x

Anonymous said...

Ah so! At least I think we now know that "Scullduggery watch" is of the female persuasion!

Anonymous said...

well if scullduggery watch lets you down councillor pickles then you could always go for a date with me, even if you are married. nothing like the aphrodisiac of a man in power is there.

Scullduggery Watch said...

I do apologise for the above post last made by "Scullduggery Watch". The post was not made by me but by a female relative whilst the computer was left on and unattended. Amusing for you all but rather embarrassing for me.

Councillor Pickles I do not know what brand of pheromone spray you are using but it appears to be working better than "The Lynx effect"!

In all seriousness, I must ask you whether UKIP intend on putting candidates up in Carshalton at the next election? This would be the ward of Councillor Paul Scully so such news would be of particular concern to the pint-sized assassin.

Anonymous said...

Scullduggery Watch. Well, in all seriousness, we are still formulating which wards we will be standing in at the local elections in 2010.

I can tell you though, that at the end of the month, beginning of May (it'll more likely be the first week in May owing to the elections), we have a major meeting in Surrey that will decide with the aid of a supercomputer which wards will be most favourable for us in Sutton Borough. I'll keep you posted!

Scullduggery Watch said...

Why doesn't Councillor Paul Scully ever grace this blog with his presence to debate the issues discussed herein?

He seems to have vanished from his own blog and refuses to comment on my request that he give us his opinion on the amnesty for illegal immigrants campaign, which is supported by the Conservative mayoral candidate Boris Johnson.

So much for the myth of Councillor Scully being a consummate politician then.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Crumpet
You better hurry up because that aphrodisiac will not be around for much longer because he is going to get humiliated in 2010.
Maybe you can be the shoulder he can cry on.

Scullduggery Watch said...

Aardvark has returned under the guise of a famous writer of sexual debauchery. Give the amount of shagging that still goes on between Conservative MPs and their secretary's I would say that his choice of nickname is most apt.

Did Scully give Aardvark permission to post back on here again?

Aardvark: If you fancy some of the aphrodisiac of power that "Carshalton Crumpet" spoke of then why not pick up the gauntlet that Pickles threw down to you several weeks ago? You claimed you would soundly beat the UKIP Councillor if you stood as a Conservative candidate in Belmont so why not put your money where your snout is?

Anonymous said...

So marquis de "sad" is aardvark you think scullduggery? Good detective work there.

He's still the same gutless individual who has threatened to stand against me, and yet can't come out in the open with his/her real name.

Still at least in 2010 we will know it's identity, because it obviously will be the 3rd "Conservative" candidate!

Scullduggery Watch said...

No Councillor Pickles. I disagree.

He won't stand. That requires slightly more conviction than posting empty threats on a political blog.

You will recall his hollow promises to reveal my true identity. Well, what happened there then? Another pledge broken by a Conservative.

Let him announce his real name and intention to stand as a Conservative candidate in Belmont in 2010.

Until then he is nothing more than a keyboard warrior with a self-contained flat up his Master's backside.

Anonymous said...

I am in a flux here. I am no nearer identifying who "Scullduggery watch" is, nor am I any near knowing who "aardvark", "exposed" or "anonymous" are. Can someone help here please?

Anonymous said...

Cllr Pickles i may be able to help with your enquiry.
I do find it interesting that Mr Numbscullduggery said and i quote direct from PScullys blog.
"I hear of everything that goes on within the Sutton Conservative leadership and I know for a fact it is the other way round.."
Yet he did not know that Paul Scully had gone away for 5 days when everyone associated with the group knew.
So his source is obviously not that well informed.
Go back to the past where you belong Numbscull because the future for our children is what is important not the warped perception of the past and its history that you keep wanting to ressurrect.

Scullduggery Watch said...

I see that Aarvark (Tiger) is using the same tired old vocabulary as when he posted under his dozen or so other pseudonyms. Why can't Scully choose underlings which have a little more guile and creativity?

Everyone was aware of you mugs having coughed up thirty sovs each so that your "Dear Leader" could visit his spiritual home at the villa of Benito Mussolini. Even the wishy-washy golden dove contingent were aware of Scully's pilgrimage, as too was the bloke who vacuums the floor at the Civic Centre after the council meetings.

I also understand that it was Scully's no.2 who organised such a generous outpouring of sychophancy. It does remind one of those grandiose parades that Pyongyang's populus lays on out of fear for Kim Jong-il with the intention of appeasing North Korea's tyrannical leader.

My point, which was understood by everyone but the incompetent Aardvark it would seem, was that Scully has a Blackberry phone which has full access to the internet. I am also reliably advised that Italy is plumbed into the world wide web and that computers have been in existence there for many years now. So where were Scully's comments on the mayoral election? Was it my fault that Councillor Scully was, to all intents and purposes, asleep at the wheel?

(p.s. Are you admitting the articles on this blog are true? It sounds like you are- for how does one go about resurrecting a past that never existed?)

(p.p.s. I am glad to hear you say that you care for the future of the children, even though we know that you do not have any of your own at this point in time. We would never criticise anyone for being a caring father. A policy which is in stark contrast to Councillor Scully's criticism of Councillor Pickles when he was forced to not attend a Council meeting as he had no-one else to look after his ten year old daughter. So much for Scully's Conservatives being proud advocates of the family institution being the bedrock of society then!)

Scullduggery Watch said...

Did anyone else notice Aardvark/Tiger duck yet another opportunity to accept Councillor Pickles' challenge to stand against him in Belmont in 2010?

Cluck, Cluck.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how or who you will vote for at the London Mayoral elections Mr Scullduggery.
Will you be giving your 1st pref to Ukip and 2nd to the Lib Dems?

Anonymous said...

anonymous. I wouldn't say no that, but I can't believe that "scullduggery watch" would vote Lib-Dem if he/she is still a Tory member, and active as I read it. I just wish we could get a clue as to the identity. Anybody out there know? There was some knob calling himself "exposed" the other week who claimed he would reveal the identity, but he seems to have vanished into the ether.

Scullduggery Watch said...

Dear AnonVark

Vote for the Lib Dems? No fear.

Their latest folly to kit all Councillor's out with free laptops and Blackberry phones might have been great news for Dixon's but it wasn't much good for Sutton taxpayer's pockets.

That kind of money wasting was a typical example of the golden dove contingent not having the fist clue when it comes to prudence. The Sutton treasury is simply not a slush fund to be looted by elected Councillors or Council Officers when they fancy getting their hands on the latest offering from Nokia.

Surely if elected Councillors require "shiny kit" then they can pay for it out of their own £10k a year allowance. Or perhaps Councillor Shields could pay for a few of the Tory group's comms kit seeing as he has just made another £6k over the odds just for being a Deputy OPPOSITION Leader!

(Will Conservative Councillor Tony Shields be voting for the Lib Dem candidate Brian Paddick? Seeing as how he cut that nice little "salary" deal with the Lib Dems I guess that anything is possible).

Anyway, AnonVark...Will you confirm that you will be fighting against UKIP's Councillor Pickles for his Belmont seat in 2010?

Or have you bottled it for the twentieth time...?