Thursday, 24 April 2008

Freedom of speech (But watch what you say)

The Conservative party used to at one time stand for much of what made this country great.

The party had the privilege of having many legendary parliamentarians serve amongst their number, a great many politicians who were strong believers in the democratic process.

Which is why it is with great sadness I am being forced to announce that one of their not so great local Councillors, with lofty ambitions which far exceed his limited abilities, has decided to delete posts made by this voice of dissent and also reintroduce moderation to his self-congratulating blog.

Councillor Paul Scully claims that he has "spent two years offering the only truly open political exchange in the Borough" yet he has once again resorted to stifling freedom of speech, just as he opted to do after he ensured that Eleanor Pinfold was thrown out of the Conservative party. Such censorship took place after Councillor Scully took great exception to 'The Watchman' after he/she dared to post the full details of his role in that disgraceful saga on his own blog.

Yesterday, Scully also claimed: "Part of the problem with getting anything done in politics is that often it is the few that shout loudest that attract the attention to the exclusion of everyone else" which is obviously why Scully set up his very own political blog. He constantly attempts to shout louder than the voices of reason, hence my motivation for setting up an alternative blog to rival his own foghorn of self-promoting propaganda.

Never has the sense of entitlement amongst the Sutton Conservatives been quite so overwhelming as it stands at this very moment in time. I read a brief story on Scully's own blog (shortly before he became so angered by people posting articles criticising his regime that he brought the shutters down and imposed moderation) which had been written by a Councillor who represents the United Kingdom Independence Party.

Apparently a UKIP deliverer had been posting his party's literature through the doors of residents in the Beddington South ward of the Sutton Borough, in doing so he had managed to post some literature through the door of another incumbent Conservative Councillor, Terry Faulds.

It would seem that Councillor Faulds was extremely upset that an opposition party should dare to post their newsletter through the doors of the residents in the ward where he happened to be an elected representative. A shouting match ensued, with Councillor Faulds declaring that the UKIP deliverer's activities were "outrageous" before he finally stormed back into his abode and slammed his front door shut.

Now, does anyone else truly believe that UKIP delivering leaflets in the same ward where a Conservative Councillor resides is particularly outrageous? Well, Scully's Sutton Conservatives clearly seem to think so which goes to show just how much democracy is valued by the hierarchy of the aforementioned Tory elite.

In a final attempt to gag 'The Watchman' Commandant Scully has also attempted to block my ISP address from accessing his blog, which as we all know by now was only intended to be read by residents who do not know Scully personally and do not get to see what is REALLY going on within the Sutton Conservatives. The only other persons that Scully really intended to visit his blog were his dutiful minions who would make appreciative noises at whichever diatribe he spews forth on a regular basis and accordingly leave him comments filled with praise.

The crashing of websites, the blocking of ISP addresses and the re-routing of unwelcome blog visitors are tactics which are usually the hallmark of IT experts who wish to fight dirty. I only mention this as I have heard firsthand accounts of such methods being used by the Sutton Conservatives during the past two years. Then lo-and-behold for the last 24 hours I find that I am not able to access Scully's blog from one particular ISP address without finding myself re-routed to a wikipedia page on "cyberstalking".

(Note: Readers of the Sutton Guardian and visitors to Scully's blog will be quite aware that my frequent criticism of Councillor Scully has seen him label 'The Watchman' as being his on-line stalker, so God help the poor sensitive soul if he should ever become an MP and have to defend his political decisions to a national press pack! Scully would proabaly see them all labelled as "savages" in his usual pretentious and hypocritical style...)

Councillor Scully might be a 'master of the dark arts' but he does not personally possess the technological know-how to aggressively counter my presence on his blog. However, there is a newly elected member for Cheam ward, Conservative Councillor Johnathan Pritchard, that does possess those very useful capabilities. He will no doubt have been instructed to engage 'The Watchman' in a campaign of electronic warfare in a desperate bid to silence this particular voice of dissent.

As I have stated before: The "Paul Scullduggery Watch" blog will continue to broadcast an alternative message, without moderation, as I feel that the electorate of the London Borough of Sutton has a right to hear about the kind of party that the Sutton Conservatives have become under the dictatorial reign of Councillor Paul Scully.

This is one blog which I am determined to keep both democratic and assessable to all.


Scullduggery Watch said...

I would like to thank whichever one of Scully's Tory twerps signed 'The Watchman' up for the following website. I did not sign up for this site so I would not have received verification requests with the password "liarliar" unless it had been instigated by Scully & Co. Such pathetic attempts to antagonise and distract only serve to prove that this blog tells the truth about the Sutton Conservative hierachy. Why else would you be trying to silence and discredit this blog?

Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 22:59:54

From: ""


Subject:Please confirm your account scullduggerywatch

You have registered a new account!

Login: scullduggerywatch

Password: liarliar

If you haven't registered on, just ignore this message. You need to confirm your registration with confirmation code

Confirmation code: cnZurw

Attention! If you do not confirm your registration within 24 hours your account will be blocked.

Confirmation code is valid until May 8, 2008, 23:59

Anonymous said...

How ridiculous this is becoming. I'm not a politico but like to browse political blogs. This one has captivated me in as much as it is offering an alternative to the one by Cllr Paul Scully.

If what is said on this blog is true then the Tories have behaved disgracefully towards some of their own members. And now the spurious signing of the blogger to a website he knows nothing about!

Can Cllr Scully shed any light on these accusations?

Scullduggery Watch said...

Thank you Mr Worthington for your very accurate analysis of the situation.

Alas, Councillor Scully will never post on this blog under his own guise to offer his side of the story.

This blog speaks the untold truth about the hierarchy of the Sutton Conservatives and the truth hurts as they say.

Scullduggery Watch said...

As Scully now actively refusing to allow me to post on his blog I would like to take this opportunity to post my reply to the complete and utter crap both he and his cheerleaders are spouting in response to his decision to moderate. The blatant toadying and pandering to the whims of Scully by his subordinates is enough to make even most hardy billy-goat feel physically sick. The text below inside of the inverted commas are copied and pasted statements made by Scully & Co:

Is anyone else of here sick to death of Scully & Co.'s 'Art-More-Holier-Than-Thou" act?

"There are no dirty tricks. I've found a way of getting rid of a vexatious correspondent for the time being"

Sounds like a dirty trick to me!

We all know that the comments you have posted regarding Eleanor have been sanitised beyond belief to the point where they have little or no basis in fact whatsoever.

Aardvark has used about two dozen pseudonyms at least, in fact he appears above with under the "fresh prince of bel-mont", "hand of history" and "timmo" monikers. Why don't you chastise him or is his presence useful to you! The same idiot mimicked other genuine posters such as "lexia" and "scullduggery watch" on my own blog. Why do you protect and nurture such a vexatious correspondent just because he is loyal to you?

"Unfortunately, this motivation is a selfish one"

I am sure your campaign against Eleanor was not motivated out of greed but of your concerns for the people, right Paul?

"Therefore, democracy would suggest that moderation is the peoples choice!"

Doesn't the Chinese Government say the same thing about it's own oppressive policies? They are also very handy at blocking rogue websites and suppressing dissenting voices too.

"I have spent two years offering the only truly open political exchange in the Borough"

Is that why you have imposed moderation twice in the past two months?

"Now that this blog is back talking about sensible issues"

Poor Bazza is desperately hoping that the debate remains on topics which do not threaten his paltry majority in two years time.

"I'm a resident who finds this blog informative, while not always agreeing with some of its views"

Michael, I have not seen you disagree with a single thing that your COLLEAGUES have stated.

"Scullduggery Watch has shown no inclination towards sensible debate"

I beg to differ. There has been a great deal of rational debate put forward by this poster, however it has not been on the subjects that Scully and his merry band of sycophants appreciate.

"instead relying on personal attacks"

You know what they say about people in glass houses, Paul! I have lost count of the number of salvos you have fired in this direction...

"which he knows often diverts from the facts and the physically possible"

I stand by every single claim I have made, Paul. Just because you happen not to like what I am saying about your regime does not make any of it less true or less relevant.

"I've answered all of the questions...councillor allowances"

I didn't notice your justification for that one. Did you whisper it?

"Scullduggery wastes everyones time with his personal vendetta aimed at discrediting honest, good, hard-working people"

Which ones are they then?

"Which interestingly has itself been moderated repeatedly"

Complete nonsense. I deleted a dozen posts one evening after "Aardvark" posted under a variety of different pseudonyms and attempted to imitate other genuine posters. He also tried to link this blog to a homosexual porn site and his posts only referred to erroneous subjects such as fairies, sherbet, parties at the bottom of the garden, etc. No other posts have been deleted, whether they were attacking me or otherwise. As long as they were on topic, I could not care less. I am a true democrat you see, unlike yourself.

Scully was emailed a copy of all the deleted posts after he sent me the following email:

From: "Paul Scully"
Subject: deleted emails
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 17:46:25

I read that you have had to delete comments due to their inappropriate nature and that they are available on request. I would be much obliged if you could email me a copy of the offending comments.

Thank you for imposing moderation on your blog. It simply reinforces everything that I have been saying all along. Congratulations on your capitulation, it speaks volumes!

Anonymous said...

omg is this still going on.
I will most certainly not be voting for the Tories at the next election.
I cannot believe how badly they have treated poor Eleanor and this story about Scully deleting peoples veiws and getting a free holiday under duress just takes the biscuit.
If Councillor Scully has any decency whatsoever then he would have done the decent thing and resigned by now.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Prince of Darkness Scully has been a bit quiet on his blog recently.

I am just counting the days until he too boards the Brussels gravy train. He seems the nihilist type so he would fit in well at the EU.

Anonymous said...

I had a read through some of the stuff written here & I heard what you guys like to call us lib dems so I named myself accordingly lol.
I disagree with what you say about us sutton liberals but I would agree 200% with what you wrote about cllr scully.
We in the libs have heard loads of rumours about what is going on in the conservatives. We think the way scully has acted as leader has been unacceptable.

I have to say that we also found that pinfold woman to be more of threat as leader than we do scully.
The lib dem council will always do a better job than a conservative run one.
Keep up the good work, watchman. It is great that you expose the lies scully writes on his blog so I'll keep reading and we'll keep telling the local electorate to do the same.

Anonymous said...

I think my area comes under stonecot ward. I will be voting for Gerrard Batten the UKIP candidate. The LIBDEMS spend our council tax on stupid crap like totem poles and i read how the local TORY leader got a few thousands pounds extra for his dep. leader for no good reasons. So the TORYS will spend tax money on crap too. I cant have successive mayors doing the same. Good luck to UKIP then cos London deserves a change for the better. Heres hoping Batten gets into City Hall.

Anonymous said...

What is truly appalling and cowardly about this blog is the anonymity of the blogger and his/her followers. If you haven't the nerve or decency to identify yourselves, even amongst your peer group, then you have proven yourselves to be simply name-calling cowards. I hold no brief for Cllr Scully, but hiding behind an anonymous blog shows you have little belief in your own views. Get real. Politics aren't nice when you want to get elected.

Anonymous said...

davb, sm5 3ez - if you read all the posts here and on the other threads you'll see that I have tried to unmask the identity of "scullduggery watch", but to no avail. In fact I did ask outright but was told it was no concern of mine as to the identity.

For what it's worth I think it is either a disgruntled tory councillor who is annoyed with Cllr Scully, or a senior member of the Tory group somewhere.

If I had the technical knowledge to set up a blog I'd do my own.

Scullduggery Watch said...

Maybe HP is looking to jump ship.

"What is truly appalling and cowardly about this blog is the anonymity of the blogger and his/her followers"

...says the same idiot who posts on this blog under a pseudonym.

"David" appears to be our new resident drama queen after the position was recently vacated by the sycophantic Aardvark. David's particular brand of hysteria belongs on the Jeremy Kyle Show as it has no place on a blog which discloses facts about a local political party's hierarchy!

Please feel welcome to continue posting here though, "David". The Ying/Yang balance demands that the Universe requires it's fair share of squealing idiots to co-habit with the informed members of society. I am sure you are by now aware of which category I believe that you fall into.

Could "David" be the same bright spark who recently emailed me and asked for my address? Perhaps he would also like the key for my front door and an invitation to sleep with my wife too?

"I hold no brief for Cllr Scully"

Well I beg to differ. Next I am sure you will be sending him Valentines cards written in purple ink after such a heartfelt and passionate plea on his behalf.

"then you have proven yourselves to be simply name-calling cowards"

Actually, this blog speaks copious amounts of truth that persons like yourself simply cannot handle. The real cowards are those such as Scully and his ilk who are prepared to knife their colleagues in the back, act in an opposite fashion to the one they preach and then have the temerity to lie about it and to suppress the evidence.

"Politics aren't nice when you want to get elected"

Well we all know that. You only need to ask Eleanor Pinfold about the way that Councillor Scully helped to get her slung out of the same Conservative party she served so diligently for a number of years. So I must ask what it i that you are crying about? Or do certain people have God's divine right to a Councillor's position?

Lastly though I would like to say that it is wonderful to see activists from all parties of the political spectrum commenting on this blog!

Anonymous said...

People like Scully are cowards because they get other people to do their dirty work for them, and then claim "it's not me guv!"

Whoever you are Scullduggery Watch, you are doing the electorate here a favour by exposing the lies, conceit and general nastiness of the local Tory party. They may have had good results last week (and I for one am glad to see the back of Red Ken), but I don't think the Lib-Dems in Sutton will be daft enough to throw away power to the likes of this lot.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Alf's comments above. It's unfortunate that the Tories locally have to be exposed on a thread like this, which by and large is anonymous (at least the Blog owner is), but it's interesting that he or she has a current interest in the Tory party, and is probably a disgruntled councillor.

Whoever you are, keep up the good work exposing lies and conceit. Maybe it will all come out in the wash.

Anonymous said...

I have just noticed the latest post by "Scullduggery Watch", who makes reference to his wife.

That at least narrows the field down a bit, because we know for sure he is a male! How many disgruntled Tory councillor males are there?

Scullduggery Watch said...

Mr Worthington that is jolly un-PC of you. For all you know I could be a butch lady in a civil partnership. How dare you assume that I am male!

Scullduggery Watch said...

I have to take this opportunity to say that I am very pleased that Boris Johnson has been successful in his bid to wrest the mantle of Mayor of London from that bloody awful King Newt.

Boris Johnson simply cannot do a worse job than his predecessor, to do so would be a physical impossibility, too much of a miracle to comprehend.

Now, for all of his gaffs Boris is a very intelligent chappie and a very capable politician. He was right when he said that there would be "shredders chugging away" at City Hall only hours after his election and "who knows what we will find out in the next few days".

Boris' comment perfectly described the true nature of Livingston's corrupt tenure at City Hall over the course of eight years. Double-standards and corruption were the benchmark of Red Ken and his former flunkies.

It does rather make you wonder whether Conservative Councillor Paul Scully and Ken Livingstone are in some way related...

You all will have noticed that I have not recently posted an article about Paul Scullduggery and HIS flunkies at the Sutton & Carshalton Conservatives. This has been by design as I do not wish to taint what has been a very good week for democracy, although I do have enough information start a new thread. I just need to type it up and it will be ready for broadcast.

This next damning article I will be posting on the blog in the next few days is a Scully CLASSIC. Of that you can be assured!

Not a single one of the Sutton & Carshalton voters out there will be disappointed, it possesses all the usual Scully fingerprints (ie. a dictatorial leader lauding it over his subordinates in a very undemocratic fashion indeed).

Stay tuned folks!

Anonymous said...

lol cllr pickles.
i am female and a former sutton tory member and i am disgruntled with the local conservatives.
goodness knows how many disgruntled members there are whether male or female

Anonymous said...

Er sorry? I'm Cllr David Pickles NOT Peter Worthington!

Anonymous said...

sorry cllr i think you have me at cross purposes lol.
ive copied and pasted what you said before just below

'For what it's worth I think it is either a disgruntled tory councillor who is annoyed with Cllr Scully, or a senior member of the Tory group somewhere'

you said that on the third of may. i guess lots of you lot are using the word disgruntled lol.
i just got back from a girl's coffee morning and whilst at my friends place i showed them this blog and she cut up her sutton conservative membership in disgust

Anonymous said...

Queen of Cheam - Nice one! I just had to make a comment on the blog run by Cllr Scully, as they are all standing with him and Ken Andrew trying to look serious and glum over post office closures, when they are denying the general public the truth about them.

Scullduggery Watch said...

I am sure there are many other Conservatives who will join me in condemning the EU's cutting of UK Government subsidies which are causing this current bout of closures.

UKIP's Councillor Pickles will no doubt be able to tell us the name of the EU directive (ie. bureaucratic interference) which will cause immense damage to many villages and local community life across the country.

Councillor Paul Scully is the world's biggest hypocrite. He is depicted looking glum over Post Office closures and yet he is highly critical of the Government subsidies which help to maintain them (saying words to the effect of "large hand-outs are not warranted in this day and age").

Councillor Paul Scully also refuses to offer an alternative explanation to where this extra revenue is to be sourced from.

Therefore we can only deduce from this that Councillor Paul Scully is shedding crocodile tears over the demise of our Post Offices as he in fact supports the EU in their bureaucratic endeavors.

As I believe Sword of Damocles mentioned previously, don't be surprised if you see Councillor Paul Scully boarding the Brussels Gravy Train in a few years...