Friday, 21 March 2008

Banned from "Scully's Blog" on 20th March 2008


In a rigged ballot on the future of Eleanor Pinfold's membership with the Conservative party (Paul Scully having been busy behind the scenes manipulating events along with his sociopathic deputy Tony Shields) the Tory panel (Scully's sycophants making up the dominant number- a ploy he ensured with his astute talent for picking a jury) dutifully produced a slight majority verdict in favour of throwing out the talented lady who had previously served them so very well as leader of the local Tory group.

There were a number of very dissatisfied people in 48 Benhill Avenue this evening, myself and my Moles being just some of those feeling both disillusioned and outraged in equal measure as we trooped off into the night. Alas the vote fell to just 14 people. The jury had already been selected to make the verdict seem as democratic as possible, but those planted on the panel could be relied upon to ensure "the right result" was returned (ie. the one which best suited the court of Powermonger Scully).

Councillor Paul Scully has once again proved himself to be a Master of the Dark Arts. No doubt Eleanor's demise will be toasted by Scully, Shields & Co. with trebles all round at a local hostelry. We know this for certain as when Eleanor was disqualified as a Councillor last December Scully & his cohorts retired to All-Bar-One to toast that most succulent of victories.

If Scully, Shields, Gordon-Bullock & Co. can really be so ruthless with their own loyal friends and colleagues then God help the residents of the London Borough of Sutton if the electorate makes the mistake of rewarding this kind of disgusting behaviour by voting them into taking Council in 2010.

This contingent cannot be trusted with running their own local party, let alone overseeing the decision making process for a constituency council and the millions of pounds of budget at it's disposal.

Ah, I see that Scully has returned from this evening's bloodletting. It is just as well as I have another couple of questions to ask of Councillor Scully in addition to the one I have already posted above:

How long were you planning the overthrowing of Eleanor? (I can only presume it was as far back as the candidate's selection meeting in November 2005)

Which other Conservatives have displeased you/do you see as a threat, in the constituency of Sutton? (ie. Who's head will roll next?)

(Originally posted on Scully's Blog at 1am on 20th March 2008)


Lexia257 said...

Democracy: the political orientation of those who favour government by the people or by their elected representatives ;
a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them ;

majority rule, the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group.

How strange that in a so called “democracy” an individual has opinion censored by removal because of, as the writer states, dissent from the views of the “elected”. It appears that the leadership and would–be leadership of this once great country feel that the views of the electorate are irrelevant, unless it suits their purpose.

What next I wonder – censorship of thought? The insertion of a chip in the brain of every blogger and internet user where thought can be edited or deleted as deemed fit by the “leaders” ? Far fetched it may sound but remember Big Brother is already with us.
Good luck to the writer of this blog in the battle to reveal truth and expose hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed. There was a letter in this week's Sutton and Epsom Advertiser referring to the Tories as a "pack of wolves", in the way they treated Andrew Pelling (ie completely disowned him at the first whiff of bad news). Somebody called Cllr Gavin Barwell has now intimated that he is the natural successor to Andrew Pelling. Talk about kick a man while he is down. This lot would jump in someones grave if they thought there was a vote in it for them, and they are no better in Sutton & Cheam. Scully, Shields and Gordon-Bullock should hang their heads in shame.

Anonymous said...

I live in Cheam and have done since I was born in 1947, and from what I learn, the local Tories treated Eleanor Pinfold like dirt. I'm afraid they have lost the plot under Cllr Scully, and it's no wonder their majority crashed from 725 to a mere 87. Hopefully they won't have any chance of running this council in two years time.

Anonymous said...

Who would you rather have then?
It wont be UKIP no matter what you say and do.
So we are left with the LDs again.
Great let them waste your and my money as they have over the past 22years.
It seems as though this spat is driven by personal vitriol and not by logic.
Grow up all of you and lets get rid of this maladministered LD council.
Too much EGO from both sides and not enough pragmatism

Anonymous said...

Twits the lot of you - I must say I like your name. I don't see any previous mention of UKIP here so assume you must be anti. I have no political persuasion either way, and yet am intrigued at how nasty the current opposition are. If all is to be belived they have treated some of their own kind in a most disgraceful manner. Being ruthless in politics is not the be all and end all. Being hard-working is a start, and you must hand it to the LD's they DO work very hard, and have (so far) proved themselves. Okay all is not perfect in the borough but would a Tory administration truly change things for the better? We shall wait and see.

Anonymous said...

I notice a very interesting article in this week's Sutton Guardian that the Tory party locally are "divided" as to the dismissal of ex-Cllr Pinfold.

It looks like all the smears and innuendos regarding the party being "nasty" are true, and that the chickens are finally coming home to roost. How sad that a once great party has sunk to such depths in the London Borough of Sutton.

Anonymous said...

What depths are that then Tony?
I am starting to think this site is just a Lib Dem front.
Looks like it.

Anonymous said...

"life of brian". Do you not think that the current Tory party in Sutton are being particularly brutal in their treatment of certain individuals? Look what they have "achieved" in the past 12months.

One of their highest profile, and admittedly controversial councillors, quit after failing to be supported for his stance on immigration. A stance that was almost word-for-word endorsed later by David Cameron, who eventually made up his mind on the matter. They then brutually knifed another Cllr in the back and deposed her of the leadership, offering her no support in her subsequent dismissal as a councillor. Then they, as a letter in the advertiser noted, acted like a "pack of wolves" in kicking her out of the party.

They also failed to present an alternative budget at the last council meeting, yet pretend to be contenders to the "throne" of running the borough.

Not a chance.

Scullduggery Watch said...

The 'Life of Brian' is a Scully lapdog who dutifully bears his teeth when others have the temerity to reveal what is REALLY going on within the confines of the Tory Benhill HQ.

Sorry to have to disappoint you, Brian. However you may consider 'The Watchman' to be a public service broadcaster which who be transmitting the truth for the foreseeable future.

Anonymous said...

I know who you are now.
Be prepared for a shock.
Best wishes

Anonymous said...

exposed. Please reveal all as you say you know, because I would like to know too.

Scullduggery Watch said...

I do believe he might be about to ask me on a date. Either that or his master Scully is about to offer 'The Watchman' a gold timepiece for his years of dutiful service.

Aardfark/life of brian/twits the lot of you has added "exposed" to his long list of aliases.

How very impressive.

Can't you harangue a few other of Scully's toadies into helping you to post yet more irrelevant bile?

I see that Councillor Pickles has finally graced this blog with his presence. I am grateful to have a decisive politico with the courage of his convictions posting on this blog. This comment will of course see this blog labeled as a UKIP front by Scully's lapdog (so soon after his Lib Dem accusation) but so be it. Councillor Pickles I salute you, Sir. Perhaps one day you too will learn the true identity of 'The Watchman'.

Anonymous said...

exposed - you may have noticed I have left a comment on Paul Scully's "official" blog, regarding Boris Johnsons commitment to the freedom pass.

I reiterate again - if you know the identity of "scullduggery watch" can you do us all a favour and reveal it, and put us out of our misery please? I for one am intrigued. If you genuinely know his/her identity, then at least it may stop some sniping on this thread against me, because at the moment I have no idea.

Scullduggery Watch said...

Councillor Pickles, please do not hold your breath. You for one should be familiar with the Sutton Conservative hierarchy being quite prolific when it comes to saying one thing and doing another.

It is now Monday the 31th of March and it has just gone midnight. Almost 48 hours have elapsed yet I am still waiting with baited breath for the "shock" that Scully's sycophant has promised me.

It is all rather disappointing. One would have hoped that Scully & his minions would be concerning themselves with improving their local community by serving the very residents that elected them into public office rather than posting yet more empty rhetoric on this blog. Surely this would be a more productive usage of Tory time?

Still, if he must utter such thinly veiled threats then let us hope that he will deliver on his promise rather than perform a Scully-esque U-turn by reneging on his previous stance.

When the paper tiger has finally located his teeth then perhaps he will discover his ability to bite?

Anonymous said...

Anonymity is a wonderful thing... Something that Scullduggery uses to his/her advantage. You hide behing anonymity Scullduggery as you are a coward who has a lot of lies to spread.

I just finished reading the report on former cllr Pinfold's dismissal as a Cllr. A hearing she did not attend and defend herself at. Hmm I wonder why. Scullduggery do you agree with every word Eleanor Pinfold said as a Councillor, particularly in relation to the comments which led to her being banned as a Councillor? Go on, be brave, be open about your views...

Anonymous said... I must say it's pretty ironic that ANONYMOUS comes on here and castigates Scullduggery for "hiding behind anonymity" !


Scullduggery Watch said...

Could "Anonymous" be Paul Scullduggery in disguise, that is the question...

I think I might have irked Councillor Scully by highlighting the truths about his accession, facts which he hoped would never see the light of day (why else would he have deleted legitimate posts of mine from his own blog?)

I have to say I was most amused when Councillor Scully contradicted himself by telling the Sutton Guardian that he did not mind if someone else set up a blog in direct opposition to his own. How we all laughed...

The fact is that this blog contains the very same post that Councillor Scully deleted from his own domain citing legal contraindications and his concern for (don't laugh now) Eleanor's well-being. "She has been through enough" he said. Do you really think so, Paul? If so then did you ever stop to consider the detrimental effect your sustained two year campaign against Eleanor might have had on your former colleague's health and resolve? I guess some people's insatiable thirst for power far outweighs their need for loyalty and compassion...

If by your question you meant do I believe that the Sutton Council is infested by corrupt money wasting bureaucrats who seem to feel that people exist for the benefit of "the system" (when "the system" should only exist for the benefit of the people) then yes my brave friend I would have to say you have me bang to rights and I am guilty as charged. I have 100% faith in such a statement having been on the receiving end of Sutton Council's bureaucracy.

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and if that much is true then the Lib Dems should indeed feel complimented, as Councillor Scully and his cohorts in the new Conservative elite also have their snouts in the Sutton taxpayer trough and have back-stabbed their own side on more than one occasion.

This kind of disgusting behaviour only serves to prove that the Sutton Conservatives are the are in many negative ways the true heirs to the Lib Dem's council crown.

If "anonymous" would be so kind as to point out any inaccuracies he feels might exist within this blog then he is more than welcome to squeak up and let me know...

Anonymous said...

Ahh you really are a politico who loves to avoid questions aren't you.

You deliberately avoid my question about whether you agree with the comments which led to former Cllr Pinfold being disqualified. So please, no Tony Blairish answers that swan off into the world of waffle. So simply, yes or no, do you, Scullduggery, agree with the comments that led to Eleanor Pinfold being banned as a Councillor?

Cllr Pickles, why would I give Scullduggery the opportunity to attack me personally by revealing my identity, when he will not reveal his?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous. I'm just as much in the dark as you are as to "his" identity? Scullduggery - can you tease out one or two clues as to who you may be? Are you a councillor, are you a member of the local Tory party, or are you an observer?

Scullduggery Watch said...

Councillor Pickles, I believe the Sutton Guardian article revealed enough about my identity for Scully & his Cohorts to be able to fathom who I am for themselves.

I can see that it is still amateur night at Benhill Avenue, given the woefully inadequate attempts to coax out certain clues as to who I really am.

I am wondering whether A-nony-MOUSE has bothered to read my post at all. I do believe I clearly stated that I agreed with Eleanor's assertion that many of the Sutton Council Officers were corrupt bureaucrats. How much clearer can I possibly make it for you, Mr Mouse?

One of your own serving Councillors once supported this statement by declaring "There are lies, damn lies and then there are Lib Dem lies". Now who said that I wonder?

This is NOT Scully's blog. I will NOT therefore be acting in a Scully-esque fashion by deleting other people's posts NOR will I avoid answering anyone's questions (a key tactic in Councillor Scully's arsenal in recent weeks). The only question which is not up for disclosure is the one which directly demands the revelation as to my true identity.

I do distinctly recall Councillor Scully dodging questions on countless occasions when he was asked to explain his role in the "light of the long-knives". When Scully did eventually comment on the subject he omitted to mention his actions behind the scenes to ensure that he wrested the leadership from Eleanor's grasp.

Scully was also rather economical with the truth when he declared that Eleanor resigned before he usurped her (Scully & Cohorts had all met for a back-slapping Sunday dinner the week before to put together an anti-Eleanor plot. It was here the conspirators put together a 'vote of no confidence' to be wielded at the next meeting once the unsuspecting Miss Pinfold reached 'Any further business'. Up until that point she was not only a serving Councillor but also the leader of the Sutton Conservative council group. Ever since his ascession Councillor Scully has used his power to ensure that Miss Pinfold will be thrown out of the Conservative party and has actively sought to install his minions into key positions within the local Conservative Association.

Finally, may I also thank Councillor Scully and his sychophantic fanclub who currently sit atop the food chain of the Sutton Conservatives. Their continued presence on this blog can only mean that they are petrified of what misdeeds and hypocrisy I might reveal next about the Sutton Tory hierachy.

Further proof then that everything I have written under the guise of Scullduggery Watch has been the truth, the whole truth and nothing but truth. Cheers chaps!

Scullduggery Watch said...

In the last 24 hours I have had to delete approximately 15 posts from this blog.

But do not worry oh intrepid readers and seasoned political watchers of Sutton, I have not turned into Commandant Scully and set about stifling your freedom of speech!

Au contrare, I refuse to hide behind litigation like Commandant Scully does.

I will not hold back when it comes to voicing my opinions on all sides within the political spectrum. Nor will I refrain from lambasting those politicos who go beyond the realms of credibility and insult the intelligence of the electorate by their hypocrisy and double standards and all the while feathering their nests at the expense of local taxpayers.

Nor will I avoid any questions which refer to the current political climate here in the London Borough of Sutton.

All political topics of conversation which relate to the London Borough of Sutton are up for debate right here on this forum.

Scully's henchmen are more than welcome to visit this blog and slag me off (constructively though I hope) any time they so wish. They have the most to hide so naturally I fully expect to see the Vesuvius of bile erupting from 48 Benhill Avenue every time I reveal yet another inconvenient truth about the Sutton Tory hierarchy.

What is unacceptable though is when certain malevolent factions from the Sutton Conservative hierarchy visit this blog at Commandant Scully's behest and leave stupid posts about sherbet, fairies, mouse traps and parties at the bottom of the garden (this blog having been bombarded with posts on these intriguing subjects just 24 hours ago).

Scully's Dirty Tricks Department went into warp drive during the early hours of Monday morning when a certain Tory Cretin found the need to imitate other Google Blogger members and also to link this particular blog to a male homosexual porn site.

The current powermongers in the Sutton Conservatives clearly have plenty to hide, otherwise they wouldn't be attempting to force this blog into closure.

Is it really too much to expect the Sutton Conservatives to respect democracy and other's freedom of speech? Let us hope that we can now continue debating the Sutton political scene without any more bullying from the leadership of the Sutton Conservatives.

One thing is for certain: This blog is here to stay, regardless of whether Commandant Scully likes it or not.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that you are doing exactly what you accused Cllr Scully of doing.
Censoring Blog posts.
You can not be looked upon as credible in your campaign if you only allow blogs that you tend to agree with.
I did manage to see most of the posts yesterday before you deleted them and i must admit a few of them were infantile and some patently disgusting.However that is what you get when you set up a Blog site.
How can any reader of this site now think that they are getting what you profess. A discussion in all its plus and minus points on the Sutton Conservative Party.
Your opponents will use this censorship against you no matter how you complain.
The phrase:
"Methinks he doth protest too much" springs to mind.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree. Let's have those posts back and show up the cretin who posted them for what he/she is.

Anonymous said...

some of them?!!! only some of them were infantile and patently disgusting?!!!
i read all of those posts and i dont think there was a single post made by the so called pro-tory cretin that was fit for consumption on a political blog.
funny how BLOG CENSOR'S posts seem to be of the same writing style as the idiot who posted such irrelevant nastiness here on monday night.i used to be one of scully's conservative activists and he used to regularly sanction this kind of anti opposition propaganda. i can also tell you for free that those posts bore all the hallmarks of a paul scully bid to tarnish one of his political opponents.
i used to love the conservatives but it was little exercises like these that caused me to finally take a back seat from party politics and the day to day campaigning. the upper echelons of the sutton conservatives are no good for the image of the party nor for the taxpayers of sutton. i can tell you all from experience that scully and his top boys are only in it for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Post above
You really are an idiot.
Why not republish the censored posts if you feel that way about them.
Borrowed time otherwise is what you ae living on.

Cu on the otherside

Anonymous said...

British board of blog censors.......I see there is a new thread now started, and "Scullduggerywatch" has said that you can e-mail him/her if you want to read the censored posts. Sounds fair enough to me.

Scullduggery Watch said...

See me on the other side?

"British board of blog censors" might be about to top himself, someone should ring The Samaritans. Perhaps my continued presence is getting to him.

The deluded fool is talking in a threatening tone. Perhaps he intends on making good on his promise. He has been threatening to reveal who I am for quite some time now, so why doesn't the puppy stop snapping at my heels and bark for a change?

Or does my "living on borrowed time" imply that he is about to have me shot? Alas, I fear that he may only be firing verbal blanks.

Never mind, I still hope to see him at the next 48 Benhill Avenue function...